Chapter 27 - Soul Searching

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Serena, Mia, Lyn, and Anna come walking into the cafeteria at Beacon Academy. They each look at their respective Lord before walking over to them. 

Mia comes walking over to Zachary. 

Mia: I'm so sorry to interrupt, Zach Winters. 

Zach: Uh, sorry... Who are you? 

Mia: Right. Forgive me. My name is Mia. I oversee the Monastery that's dedicated to the Ice Lord. 

Zach: Oh, okay. Pretty sure I've heard your name before. What do you want? 

Mia: For you to come with me. There's nothing I can do that will help you get ready for this fight as quickly as you need to be. But we've all come up with something. We believe that there is a way, you just have to be secluded and talk to the spirit. 

Zach: Wait. The spirit? Not mine? 

Mia: The spirit of the Ice Lord. Or should I say the first one. The one that gets past down to every Ice Lord. You need to have a conversation with him, and it has to be quickly. 

Zach: Uh, right... Sure. If you think it'll help. Let's go. 

Lyn comes walking over to Jack and the others with him. 

Lyn: Water Lord. 

Jack: Yeah? 

Lyn: You need to come with me. You need to talk with Madrikhail again. 

Jack: This about the Overlord? 

Lyn: Yes. 

Jack stands up. 

Jack: Then let's go. 

Serena and Anna come walking up to Mark and Caleb. 

Serena: Fire Lord. 

Anna: Wind Lord. 

Caleb and Mark glance at each other before looking at them. 

Serena: As of right now, there's no way your power will be able to stand up to that of the Overlord. You must talk to spirits within yourself. They will hopefully prep you better than we ever can. 

Mark: Spirits? 

Anna: Each of you possess the spirit of the first of your respective element. You must meditate and have a conversation with them. 

Caleb takes a few deep breaths before looking down at the table. Ruby puts her arm around him. 

Ruby: Calm down. It'll be okay. This will be a perfect opportunity to help control your power. 

Serena: She's right. Connecting with him may give you the proper bond to control the power better. I know how you feel, but this must happen. There's no way we can allow the Overlord to win. 

Caleb calms himself down before looking back up at Serena, nodding. 

Caleb: The world's at stake. Everybody here's at stake. I can't just back down because of how I feel. Let's do it. 

Serena nods at him. 

Lyn and Jack are sitting on the floor opposite each other in an empty dorm room. 

Lyn: You've done this before. Just have to repeat the process. 

Jack nods before taking a deep breath in and closing his eyes. Relaxing and focusing within himself. 

He's now walking through a void of white. 

Jack: Madrikhail? Are you here? 

A spark appears before it turns into Madrikhail a few seconds later. 

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