Chapter 5- Voices

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(No One's P.O.V.)

Caleb, Jason, Ruby are walking behind Weiss through the forest, who's a few feet ahead of them. 

Jason: How much further you think we got? 

Caleb: Hard to say. Might be less if the spoiled princess didn't always think she was right. 

Jason: I thought we were stopping with the insults. 

Caleb: Not an insult. Just the truth. 

Ruby: I want to agree with that, and as much as I do, we shouldn't be focusing on saying insults. 

Weiss: I can hear you back there! You better stop talking about me like that! 

The three all glance at each other before looking back at Weiss. 

Caleb: Are you sure we're going the right way? 

Weiss: Of course we're going the right way. 

Ruby: Is that why you got us lost last time? 

Weiss: It's not like you were trying to do anything. 

Ruby: That's because you wouldn't let me! You kept talking over me! 

Weiss: Look, if you didn't trust my direction capabilities, then you shouldn't have followed me in the first place! 

Jason: She kind of has a point with that. 

Caleb sighs and nods. 

Caleb: Suppose so. 

Ruby: Well, the situation can't get much worse. Can't possibly get more lost. 

Jason: I'm sure we're going in the right direction. 

Ruby: What makes you so sure? 

Jason: Not going in a circle is a good start. Only up from here. 

Caleb: That's a way to look at it. 

Ruby: So...  do your two families really hate each other that much? That fight back there seemed like it could've gone much further if we didn't step in and stop it. 

Caleb: My family doesn't hate hers. Well, maybe her father, but that's understandable if you know the guy. And I don't hate Weiss. I just hate how she was raised. 

Ruby nods as she looks at Weiss. 

The scene then cuts to Paige Sieks in the Sieks penthouse. She's sitting at the kitchen table with the photo album out in front of her, open as she's looking through more pictures. 

Worried about the future conversation with Kelly and Caleb about the girl. Thinking about every possible response the two could have to it. Would they even remember her? What would they think of her now? 

Paige looks at another picture of Caleb, Kelly, and the girl. One where the three are celebrating the girl's tenth birthday. All smiling with their arms around each other. 

That's when a voice echoes through her head. 

"The power doesn't deserve to go to him"

Paige immediately shakes her head. 

"Why should it? He wouldn't know what to do with it" 

Paige closes the book and rubs her face with her hands. 

Paige: Get out of my head. 

"He's too weak. He'd just waste the power!" 

Paige: Stop this. 

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