Chapter 29 - The Storm

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Ironwood, Winter, Dan, and Zillie reach the elevator to Ozpin's office when the sounds of the bullhead engines are heard. Ironwood is the first to look up toward the sound, being followed by the others as bullheads go speeding by above, dropping containers down. 

Ironwood squints up at them before his eyes go wide. 

Ironwood: Get down!

Caleb is still with Ruby, Gyoe, and Kelly. They're walking toward the dorm when they hear an explosion go off, looking over to where it is, seeing it's off by Ozpin's tower. A fire soon engulfing the area. 

Ruby: Isn't that where they just went? 

Another explosion then goes off, looking to see a huge hole blown out of the side of the cafeteria. Their attention is then turned to the CCT tower when an explosion occurs, seeing fire engulfing the tower. And right after, another falling container pulls their attention back to the dorm building, when it explodes upon contact with it. 

Ruby: NO!

Ruby goes to run, when Caleb looks up to see another container quickly falling down toward them, grabbing Ruby and pulling her down to the ground. He gets on top of her, closing his eyes just as the container explodes upon impact with the ground. But nothing happens to them. 

He reopens his eyes looking around to see Gyoe shielding Kelly and a red barrier all around them. Looking over to where the explosion occurred, seeing a crater in the ground. 

Ruby: Caleb...?

He looks down at her, seeing a blush on her face right before seeing his aura glowing around his hand. Glancing over to it glowing around his other hand, too. He shakes himself out of it, getting off of Ruby.

Caleb: Sorry, Ruby. 

He helps her stand back up. 

Ruby: Don't worry about it. 

Gyoe: They're coming back around.

They all look up to see the bullheads flying back around, dropping more things down toward the school. 

Kelly: What do we do? 

Caleb takes his scroll out, pushing a button on it, and his locker lands by him just before a cage full of Ursa land in between them with its door open. They rush out of the cage at them, only for Qrow to come from the side, slashing through a few of them in one slice. Then he maneuvers around and kills two others before a locker impales the last one from above, opening up to reveal Crescent Rose. 

Qrow looks back to see Ruby with her scroll pointed out, smiling at her. 

Qrow: I could've handled it. 

Ruby: Too bad I beat you to it. 

Qrow snickers and shakes his head. 

Caleb and Ruby retrieve their weapons from their lockers. 

Caleb: We have to get Gyoe and Kelly out of here. 

Qrow: Well, Ironwoods bullhead is still here. They could hide in it. 

Caleb: That's a good idea. 

He looks at his uncle and sister. 

Gyoe: I don't... But we won't be able to help either. And even if I could, somebody has to stay with Kelly. Just be careful out there.

Qrow: I'll work on clearing out the Grimm. You two should get to the dorms and cafeteria. 

Ruby: Right. Come on, Caleb. 

Qrow splits off from them, joining up with Glynda and Ozpin. 

Caleb and Ruby go running toward the dorm and cafeteria, when a bullhead nears the ground, followed by a familiar female voice. He stops dead in his tracks, which Ruby turns and notices, stopping herself. 

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