Chapter 16 - Progressing Plans

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(No One's P.O.V.)

The scene opens up to meeting room in the Grand Temple. Mercury and Emerald are standing behind the chair at the end of the table while the Knights are all sitting in their seats. 

Mercury is staring straight at the door while Emerald is doing her best to avoid eye contact with the Knights. 

The doors open, immediately catching Emeralds attention, making her look to see Paige and Cinder walking in with Roman and Neo. 

Emerald: You're back! 

Roman: Oh, what a pleasant surprise. I wasn't expecting to see them here. 

Roman rolls his eyes after saying that. Neo crosses her arms. 

Mercury: What are you doing here? I don't think we're going to need a "master" dust thief. 

Roman: You should be taking my skills a lot more seriously. Might end up helping you in the future. 

Mercury scoffs and rolls his eyes before crossing his arms. 

Emerald: They're joining, too? 

Paige: They are. And it was Cinders wonderful idea to bring them in. I don't believe we're going to regret this decision. 

Emerald: I trust her. We'll put our feelings aside.

Roman then looks around at the Knights. 

Roman: I'm not familiar with them at all. Who would they be? 

Paige: These are my Knights. The warriors who have served me throughout the centuries. They're as loyal as they come. And now they're also your allies. They'll treat you well so long as you do the same to them. 

Roman: I got all of that... except for one thing. What do you mean by "centuries"? 

Paige: Oh, I've been doing this a long time. Most of it spent thinking about what I'm going to do. But I'm prepared for everything when I step foot on the face of Remnant again. And these Knights wait for me every single time. 

Roman: Can I ask why you go away for such long periods of time? 

Paige: To recover. Regather my strength. 

Roman: I don't suppose you could say from what? 

Paige: Something I hope to snuff out before it gets too powerful this time. 

Roman: Not really what I was looking for... but I suppose I could work with it. 

Neo shrugs her shoulders before nodding in agreement. 

Cinder: Does that mean you want to attack Beacon Academy? That's where Caleb is, right? He is what you're talking, isn't it? 

Paige: It's true. That is where he is... and I do plan on launching an attack on Beacon. But that comes into play much later in my plan. 

Cinder: What do you mean? We know where he is. The rest of the Sieks family can't be too far away, right? Isn't this the perfect chance to just end them right here? 

Paige lets out a sigh. 

Paige: It's not the most opportune moment to attack.

Cinder: What do you mean? We have all of the power we need. All we have to do is attack. 

Paige: Is that all you think about? 

Cinder looks down at the floor. 

Paige: Rushing into combat blindly isn't how you win a war. Especially when it's a place like Beacon Academy. 

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