Chapter 4- Partnered Up

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(No One's P.O.V.)

The scene opens up to Ruby. She comes running through some bushes only to meet up with Weiss Schnee, skidding to a halt as she sees her, looking up for their eyes to meet. 

Weiss then scoffs and turns to face the other direction, walking off. 

Ruby: Wait! We're supposed to be partners...

She then looks down to the ground, dejected. 

Weiss comes walking through some bushes, brushing herself off right before she looks up at Jaune, who's hanging from a branch up in a tree by his shirt. He awkwardly smiles down at her. Weiss responds by rolling her eyes and turning back to walk in the direction she came from. 

Ruby is still staring at the ground when Weiss comes walking by, grabbing her hood, dragging her along. 

Ruby: You came back! 

Weiss: By no means does this make us friends. 

The scene then cuts to Yang. She's walking through the forest when she hears a bush rustle, looking at it. 

Yang: Ruby? Is that you? 

She walks closer to the bushes, growing cautious as she does. 

Yang: Ruby...? 

When she gets close to the bush an Ursa comes springing out from it, causing Yang to jump back as she activates her gauntlets. 

Yang: Happen to see a girl in a red hood? 

The Ursa growls before pouncing at Yang. She flips over it while punching down a shotgun blast at it, landing on the ground as the Ursa goes tumbling across the ground. She fires off another shot to finish it off. 

That's when two more Ursa come into the scene, catching Yang's attention. 

Yang: You want some, too? 

A shot then rings out, nailing one of the Ursa in the, dropping to the ground as the other Ursa lets out a huff of breath and freezing before dropping to the ground, revealing Blake Belladonna holding a whip-like blade. She pulls it back to herself and catches it. 

Yang: I could've handled it. 

Blake rolls her eyes as she puts her weapon away. 

The scene then shifts to Mark. He's looking around as he walks through the forest. 

Mark: Finding somebody was easier said than done. This forest is way bigger than I originally thought. 

He hears growls in the close distant right before seeing a blast of electricity shooting up in the air not too far from him, running in that direction. 

When he comes up to the scene, he sees a boy with two batons fighting two Ursa. Mark unsheathes his sword and points it out, aiming it at one of the Ursa, right before a white aura surrounds his hand and the sword gets blown out of his hand by a gust of wind, flying straight toward the Ursa. 

Mark's sword comes flying in as the boy blasts the Ursa he's facing with a volt of electricity, blasting it back as the sword pierces into the other Ursa's head, causing the boy to turn to look at it as the Ursa drops to the ground. Mark comes running up as the boy notices him, retrieving his sword, sheathing it again. 

???: Neat trick. 

Mark: Thanks. I'm Mark Wiles. 

Luke: Name's Luke Sparks. 

Mark: Fitting name. 

He gestures toward the batons that are in his hands. 

Luke: They were based on it. 

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