Chapter 28 - The Calm Before

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In the room with Caleb, he opens his eyes with a deep breath as a red glow waves over him. He looks down at it before looking at Serena. 

Serena: Looks like you've done it. How did the conversation with him go? 

Caleb: It was... eye opening. 

Serena smiles at him. 

In the room with Jack, he opens his eyes as a dark blue glow waves over him. 

Lyn: You've managed to connect with him further. It's incredible.

Jack: Now I just have to use it wisely. 

In the room with Zach, he opens his eyes as a light blue glow waves over him. He looks down at it in amazement. 

Zach: Whoa. That was so cool. It would've taken a lot longer for me to know about any of this. I don't know what I'd be doing right now. 

Mia: You'd be helping people elsewhere. But now, with this power, you can help so much more. 

Zach: I hope so. 

In the room with Mark, he opens his eyes as a white glow waves over him. 

Mark: That felt different. 

Anna: I'm sure it does. After all, you have a great power flowing through you now. Just use it wisely. 

Mark nods at her right before her scroll buzzes. She pulls it out and opens it, seeing a message from Ozpin. 

Anna: Hmm. 

Mark: What is it? 

Anna: Ozpin wants to talk to the four overseers in his office. 

Mark: Should we come, too? 

Anna: No, you don't need to. Go back to your friends. We'll talk again after. 

Mark nods at her. 

Serena, Lyn, Mia, and Anna come walking into Ozpin's office. Ozpin, Glynda, Ironwood, Winter, Dan, Zillie and Qrow are all looking at them as they come walking up to the desk. 

Ozpin: Thank you for coming. I hope the meditating went well. 

Serena: Yes. We've discussed it on the way here. All four of them seem prepared. 

Ironwood: That's good to hear. If we're to believe what was told, then it sounds like they're humanity's only hope against this Overlord guy.

Winter: Does that mean it's actually true? 

Serena: Yes. All of it. 

Qrow: Then that just further complicates things, doesn't it? 

Anna: What do you mean? 

Ozpin sighs. 

Ozpin: Do you think there's a chance that the Overlord attacks Beacon? 

Serena: Well, if they're here, then yes... I do believe that he could. 

Ironwood: And there it is. The confirmation that we were so afraid of. 

Lyn: What's going on? What are you not telling us? 

Winter: I conquer. You've been speaking in code about it the entire time. What is it? 

Ozpin: What I'm about to divulge is severely sensitive information. It should only be shared to the most trusted individuals. Do you understand? 

Mia: Completely. I think we all can tell that. 

Ozpin: All right. Then here goes. There's a story out there that is quite similar to the Four Lords. It consists of Four Maidens, each with their own powers, wandering the face of Remnant in a promise to share their abilities and experience with mankind. Summer, Winter, Spring, and Fall. And there's one here. 

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