Chapter 19

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I felt strange.

I couldn't explain it. Like my body seized with a deadly illness. Suddenly, my legs gave in, and I collapsed to the floor, falling to my knees.

"Zoey!" Alice yelled and ran to me. She hooked her hand under my left arm, and I hissed from my injury. She tried to help me up to my feet, but I was too weak. I couldn't stand on my own any longer.

Alice studied me with her mouth agape. She reached out and placed her hand on my forehead.

"Zoey, you're burning up." She shook her head. "I don't know what's going on."

I didn't know either, as I shook my head faintly. The energy draining out of my body. I looked at the group of people that stood in the living room and they all stared at me. Brett approached with caution and frowned.

"It feels like she's coming down with a fever?' Alice said.

"Did you get hurt during the battle?" Brett asked with a serious tone.

I nodded dimly and pointed to my left arm, my strength weakening.

Alice instantly took my injured arm and pulled up my shirt, revealing the teeth mark wound. Brett rushed down and grabbed my arm, examining my injury. He turned and looked at Faye, who crept closer.

"The rogue broke through her skin," Brett said.

Faye breathed in deep and knelt beside me, my eyes followed her as she studied my wounded arm. But neither she nor Brett were saying anything.

"What's going on?" Alice asked.

"A rogue bit Zoey in the arm when he tossed her to the side," Brett answered.

"Yes..." I replied in a whisper.

"Okay, but what does that mean?" Alice questioned, her eyes widening.

Faye shook her head. "It means this is a terrible situation," she sighed.

Alice blinked, and our eyes met, teeming with anxiousness.

Brett grabbed my arm once again and scrutinized it. "I won't be able to suck out the Lupine Genus," he grimaced. "It's been too long. The time allowed for extraction expired."

The Lupine what?

I was desperate to ask questions, but I didn't have enough energy to talk as my breath labored.

"What's that?" Alice asked the pressing questions for me.

"It's werewolf venom," Brett answered.

Shit! I gulped in the uncertainty.

"Can't you still suck it out? Like snake venom?" she asked urgently.

Brett shook his head. "We can only do it seconds after contact," he explained. "She waited too long to say she had been bitten."

The twins approached us. Their faces were unsmiling as they looked at me.

"How many moons till the full moon rises?" Brett asked Faye.

"Two more nights," she replied and looked at me woefully.

Brett shook his head. "She won't survive it," he murmured.

These people's words were once again freaking me the hell out!

Faye turned to Willow. "Get Serafina," Faye instructed. Willow nodded and ran out of the living room.

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