Chapter 4

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Alice swung open the door and jumped into Brett's opened arms.

"Brett! I'm so glad you're here," she cried excitedly. "Sorry, we got lost babe." She reached up and kissed him on the lips.

Brett pulled Alice away by her shoulders and inspected her face. "Are you okay? You freaked me the hell out when you didn't arrive before sunset."

"I'm here now, baby, don't worry," she said. Brett tugged Alice close and brought his lips to hers. They kissed in a lover's embrace.

I sat back in my seat watching the loved-up couple, feeling relieved Brett had found us before the bears did, still wondering what the heck was that clawing sound. My eyes turned to the dark forest again, searching for glowing eyes that didn't come. Instead, two other men arrived circling the car. I frowned. I couldn't make them out properly in the darkness.

"What is she doing here?" Brett said sharply to Alice. "I only said you."

I turned my attention back to the couple and pursed my lips. So, Alice didn't give him a heads up of my arrival, huh? I rolled my eyes internally. That's just great.

'You met Zoey on the phone," Alice started. "I needed my best friend to travel with me. And besides," she dragged her finger down Brett's T-shirt that clung to his broad chest. "I would've been all alone here in the woods."

Brett grumbled a reluctant grunt, and Alice reached up on her tippy toes and kissed him on the cheek.

"C'mon, we can't be out here long," he said, giving into her kisses.

Alice bent down and beckoned me out of the car with a reassuring smile. I blew out a deep breath and ventured out of the broken-down Ford. The other two men sized me up suspiciously with hard frowns that I could make out in the dark. They passed glances at each other and grimaced, making me feel slightly awkward.

I swallowed.

No greetings came my way. It looked like none of them were happy to see me. But Brett's expression took the cake — staring daggers at me.

"We need to move. We're far from our grounds." The one man spoke up, who sounded close to forty years of age.

Brett nodded and opened the car's trunk and collected Alice's two pink suitcases. "C'mon, baby girl," he said. "Follow me." He winked at her, and she giggled, locking her arm with his.

How the hell did Brett know that was her luggage? I mean, my black suitcase was in the trunk, too.

"What about the car?" I asked with a puzzled look. But Alice was too engrossed in her Brett. I huffed out in frustration.

"The car stays here. We'll collect it in the morning." One man answered, as both men followed Brett, leading the way.

"Hey, what about me?!" I yelled, slightly frightened, feeling like a ghost they couldn't see.

Alice instantly turned around and murmured something to Brett.

Brett appeared annoyed, rolling his head. "Get your things and keep up. We'll wait," he huffed.

I blew out a hot breath and hauled out my suitcase from the trunk and pulled on my backpack across my back in a rush. I dragged the blasted suitcase behind me on the uneven and bumpy ground, cursing under my breath as I tried to gain up to the others. Alice turned back and checked on me from time to time. I looked at the two men strolling in front of me as I tugged my damn heavy suitcase, which got caught in a root of a tree.

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