Chapter 16

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A few days have gone by and I haven't contacted my family. I was still so pissed off, it wasn't even funny.

I know that I have to talk to them to tell them about Marcus, especially to explain the whole Brendan incident, but they now disgust me in ways that I didn't even know possible.

After having a complete apartment cleaning and restocking the fridge with food, I knew I couldn't stall anymore. I decided to call the one and only Mom.

I was tapping my foot impatiently on the hard-wood floors.


"Hey," I said quickly.

"Alison! Honey! I was so worried about you. Are you alright? You haven't been responding to anybody and I began to get a little nervous."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I just... Need to tell you something."

"Are you back together with Brendan?"

"What?!" I asked incredulously. "You think I'm dating Brendan? Why would you think that?"

"Wishful thinking, I suppose."

I paused. "Wishful thinking?"

"Yes, wishful thinking. I don't know what it is, but I always did imagine you two together."

She always did think we were a good couple. "Why?"

"Because you looked good in pictures together, of course," she laughed at her own poor idea of a joke. I rolled my eyes, knowing she couldn't tell.

"Really, Mom."

She sighed. "Oh, Ali, I don't know. There was always something there with you two. And the way he was looking at you the other day was just- you know. He looked like he was in some kind of longing for you."

"Well that won't work."

"Why? You don't like him anymore? I'm sure if you spent more time together, you would be able to rekindle the relationship."

I looked up at my white ceiling, tears coming to my eyes at the thought of Marcus.

"Honey, don't be sad that things didn't work out the first time with you and Brendan. You two can work it out."

"Mom, it's not that!" I said, my voice shakey from the tears and my trembling lip.

"What is it, then?"

"I met someone else!" I nearly shouted into the phone, my frustration coming forth.

The other end was quiet. "Someone else? Like, a boy? Some other boy?"



I couldn't tell whether or not she accepted this decision of mine.

"So, what's his name?"


"His name? I assume you two are a couple, since you are taking this quite seriously?"

"His name is Marcus."


"Yeah. I met him while I was traveling last month. We started dating and things kind of took off from there."

"Hm," she said, as if she was pondering about something. "Sounds like a romance novel."

I laughed at this one. "Oh most definitely. Our relationship is the envy of all relationships."

She chuckled in response.

"He's actually coming next week to visit, if you would like to meet him..." I drifted off into my sentence.

"Of course I want to meet him!" she replied. "I need to know who my daughter is dating after all!"

"I assume that is your roll, isn't it?"

"Yes, yes it is."

"Right, right."

"So is that what made you on the fence this entire time?"

"Kind of, yeah."

"Well I apologize for pushing Brendan towards you to begin a new relationship, I didn't know."

"It's alright, Mom. Next time, just ask my permission before you tell a guy to go after me, okay?"

"We'll see."

I hope she was using sarcasm.

"I have to go grocery shopping, I'll see you later, Ali."

"Okay. Bye, Mom."


Now I hope that someone says something to Brendan.

And I refuse for that someone to be me.

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