•Someone took him.

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XLV. Someone took him.

After being pushed back for months, the opening of the Shelby Institute for Children had finally come around. It was a big day and the entire family was warned to be on their best behaviour. Maude who had worked hard alongside Tommy to get everything ready for the institute, who was also now a little over four months pregnant, was very firm about what would happen if anyone got drunk and embarrassed the family in front of all the important men and women who'd attend the opening.

The dark-haired woman stood in front of everyone gathered in the grand hall, sending a smile her husband's way. He was sat in the front row with their fussy son on his lap, staring proudly back at his wife. "Welcome to the opening of the Shelby Institute for non-insured children of the poor," Maude called out to the people sitting in rows in front of her. "I would very much like you to join me in thanking the man that made the founding of this establishment actually possible. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr.Thomas Shelby." She said as her gaze returned to Tommy again.

The people clapped as Tommy stood up with Charlie in his arms, and they soon followed, all of them standing up out of respect. Tommy approached his wife up on the stand and she took Charlie from his arms before stepping off to the side.

"Speech! Come on, speech!" Arthur called out from the second row, making Maude chuckle softly. "Say it, Tom. Say it to 'em!"

Everyone quieted down and sat back down as Tommy overlooked them, his hands resting on his hips."Erm, I didn't come here today to make a speech, but I will say this. These children are now safe. In our care, they will be safe. Because we are from the same cold streets as they are. And in our care, they won't be shipped away to the colonies, or separated from kin, or made to work for men in their various ways. They will grow up here, at home loved in Birmingham. Because this is our city." He called out.

"By order of the Peaky Blinders," Arthur called out and a few of the men of the family chuckled softly at him.

Tommy cleared his throat, slightly glaring at his brother for interrupting him, before turning to his wife and showing a hand in her direction. "And I also want to say thank you to my wife, who stayed up most nights, ensuring these children would have a safe and nurturing environment to grow up in and learn in."He said as he gave Maude a soft smile while everyone began clapping and cheering again.

As Tommy stepped to the side, Polly took her turn to step up to the stand, holding a small paper in her hand. "Now let us sing Immortal, Invisible." She called out.

Just as everyone began signing, Charlie grew fussy in his mother's arms, whining and softly crying. Maude stepped out into the hallway to soothe her son, bouncing him in her arms as she whispered sweet nothings in his ears. Tommy also stepped out into the hallway when he realized they were gone, searching for them.

He saw his wife pace up and down with the toddler in her arms, raising his eyebrows as he shoved his hands into his trouser pockets and approached her. "Why are you two hiding out here?" He asked as he stopped in front of her, reaching out to run a hand through Charlie's dark hair.

"He's fussy." She replied as she pursed her lips, glancing down at the little boy who began whining again as his mother stopped her gentle movements that soothed him.

"Give him here," Tommy said as he reached out for Charlie. Even though Maude's wound had completely healed, now that she was pregnant and her bump was growing, Tommy didn't want her to strain herself too much with any weight on her body. She handed Charlie to him, knowing better than to argue. "It's okay sweet boy." Tommy soothed his son as he began rocking him in his arms and Charlie settled down again. "You're upset, ey?"He asked as he ran a hand through Charlie's hair again.

The Sweetest of Hearts.1| T.SOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora