•English tea.

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XXXV. English tea.

When the time came, and they got the call from Finn, Tommy, Arthur, Henry and Maude drove down to the gatehouse to meet Moss and the Duchess. Maude was vigilant as she stepped out of the car with her husband's helping hand. She eyed Moss for a second before her eyes searched for the Duchess, not finding her.

"Tommy, Arthur, Henry, Maude," Moss called out in greeting to the four, his lips in a tight smile as he lowered his head. "May I introduce you to the Grand Duchess Tatiana Petrovna," he said and his car door opened, the Duchess stepping out and approaching them with a smug smile on her face. "From Tbilisi, Georgia." He introduced before turning to the woman. "Grand Duchess, may I introduce you to the Shelby brothers and the Felton siblings. Small Heath, Birmingham." He called out before turning towards Tommy and leaning into his side. "And, uh, good luck with this one, Tom." He said softly before stepping away.

Tommy stared at Tatiana, his jaw clenched in irritation, angry that his and Maude's wedding day was partially ruined because of these Russians. "Give me the money," he demanded.

"I was told to give it to Mr. Kaledin." She replied as she stared at Tommy, her hands clasped together in front of her.

"Whoever it is up there, he gave the wrong name." He informed her. "We asked him the name and he gave the wrong one," he explained like he didn't trust the Grand Duchess intelligence to understand him the first time.

"What name did he give?" She asked as she raised her eyebrows.

"No," Tommy muttered as he immediately shook his head. "I don't trust any of you." He informed her and she looked taken aback by his blunt honesty. "Now you give me the money." He demanded.

"I know Mr. Kaledin by sight from Tbilisi." She informed Tommy before she raised her eyebrows again. " Is his hair dark?" She questioned.

"The instructions I was given was anyone using the wrong code name was an infiltrator for the Soviet Embassy." He informed her, his cold glare settled harshly on her.

The grand Duchess stared at him for a second before tilting her head to the side. "Just let me go to the house." She insisted.

"I do not want this shit anywhere near my fucking house." Tommy snapped at her, his voice raising with irritation. "All I know is no variations. That's from Churchill himself." He informed her. Whoever it is up at the house, he gave the wrong fucking name." he said before going silent for a second, his glare on the Duchess growing stronger. "And you do this to me on my fucking wedding day." He spat and Maude glanced over at him with pursed lips.

Tatiana stared back at Tommy, still slightly taken aback by his blunt honesty and rudeness. "The money is in the car, Mr. Shelby." She informed him. "Fetch it out and count it." She insisted.

"Good," Tommy muttered before glancing at Maude's brother. "Henry." He muttered as he pulled out his cigarettes, handing his wife one before taking one for himself, lighting both as Henry counted the money inside a brown briefcase he found in the car.

"We're good," Henry called out after he was done, handing the briefcase to Finn to put inside Tommy's car.

"You can go," Tommy informed the Duchess before turning towards the copper who had brought her. "Moss..." he called out to the man who stood a few feet away from them.

"Can you do it? Can you kill?" The Duchess asked Tommy as she raised her eyebrows.

Tommy looked over at her with furrowed eyebrows as Moss approached him, and Tommy completely ignored her and her question. "Moss, you take the Duchess back to Birmingham," Tommy demanded before turning around, leading his wife to the car, and offering her hand to help her climb in before getting in after her with his brother and Henry.

The Sweetest of Hearts.1| T.STahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon