•I love you.

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XVI. I love you.

At Polly's house, Ada was asleep on the living room couch, the best sleep she had gotten since her son was born. Polly and Maude were in the kitchen, Polly making tea while Maude cradled baby Karl in her arm, gently swaying him as he stared up at her with big and fascinated eyes.

Polly eyes Maude as she stirred the tea she had made, a soft and adoring smile on her face. "You are good with him." She commented as she placed a cup of tea in front of Maude before taking a seat by the table with her own cup of tea.

"He's an easy baby," Maude said softly as she looked down at Karl with an adoring smile, gently reaching out to run her fingers tips over his soft and chubby cheek.

Polly continued to watch her, remembering the look Tommy had gotten when he saw Maude holding the baby in the shop. She silently took a few sips of her tea before looking at Maude with a quirked eyebrow."Do you want children one day?"She asked.

Maude slowly nodded her head as she looked up at Polly."Yes, three or four of them." She replied with a soft smile.

"It's good to have plans for your future, Maude."Polly insisted with a nod of her head as the stared at the girl in front of her. "I think you will be good for Tommy."She added as a knowing smile tugged at her lips.

Maude looked at Polly with slightly wide eyes as her lips parted."Me and Tommy-" She began to explain, wanting to tell the older woman the relationship had barely begun, and neither of them had discussed it so far yet, although they both wanted a future together.

"I know my dear."Polly cut Maude off with an assuring smile. She took a few more sips of her tea, her gaze diverting down to the table. "He's been different since you arrived."She said softly as her eyes met Maude's again. "I'm glad he has you."

Maude smiled again, lowering her gaze for a second before turning back to Polly."What was he like before the war?" She asked softly as her head tilted to the side, curious of the man he was before France had stripped him from the warmth in his heart.

"He smiled and he laughed. He had a good heart. He enjoyed things."Polly replied softly as a sad smile tugged at her lips, her heart aching for the man Tommy used to be. Her eyes turned to Maude. "I've seen little bits of the old Thomas in the last few months."She added as her smile grew. "Ever since he met you." She insisted.

Maude silently stared at Polly for a second, pursing her lips and taking a deep breath before she spoke up, barely above a whisper, but still, Polly heard her. "I think I love him." She admitted as her gaze fell down to the table.

"I think he loves you as well," Polly revealed with a knowing smile when Maude's gaze shot toward her.

The front door of the house slammed open, making both Polly and Maude frown. "Ada! Wake up!" Tommy called out. "You and the baby, get into the bullring where there's lots of people," he ordered his sister before calling out for Maude with panic in his voice. "Maude, where are you?"

Maude and Polly shared a concerned look before getting up and rushing into the living room where Tommy stood. "What's going on?" Maude asked as she looked at Tommy with furrowed eyebrows, watching as he paced up and down the living room.

"We've been fucking betrayed," he informed them and Maude's heart sank as her eyes widened. "Someone let slip. Kimber's men are on their way here." He added and Maude's eyes went wider as she glanced at Polly.

"Yeah, but you can handle them, Tommy." Polly insisted as she stared at Tommy, her eyes wide as well as she looked between Maude and Ada.

Tommy shook his head as he ran a hand through his hair. " It's just us. All the Lees are on their way to Worcester, we're outnumbered." He informed them before slamming his hand down on the cabinet near the fireplace. "Fuck!" He yelled as he lowered his head, gripping onto the cabinet.

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