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XXXVII. Sapphires.

After the meeting at the old Shelby home, Maude returned to Arrow house. She was working in her home office as she waited for her husband to return home. It was already late but by now she was used to Tommy's busy schedule. She was buried deep in work for the charity dinner Tommy had her organize for the new Shelby Children's Institute Tommy was opening in Birmingham.

She was overseeing the guest list, making contestant changes in catering whenever someone RSVP'd that they would be attending the charity dinner. Maude's own dinner was wasting away on her desk. Already forgotten when Mary brought it for her.

When Mary walked into the dimly lit room with a cup of tea, her eyes shot toward Maude's untouched dinner plate. A frown tugged at her lips. "Not hungry, Mrs. Shelby?" The older woman asked as she placed the cup of tea on the table.

"Hungry?" Maude repeated as she looked up at Mary with furrowed eyebrows before her eyes snapped towards the food and she shook her head. " Oh, no. Sorry, Mary." She said softly as she looked at the older woman with an apologetic smile.

"You'll ruin your eyes." Mary scolded as she turned on Maude's desk lamp, giving her somewhat of a pointed look before taking the food and leaving the office.

Ever since Mary had started working in Arrow House, she was very caring towards Maude and sometimes Tommy as well. Often times she did overstep her boundaries as a maid, but neither Tommy nor Maude ever cared because they liked having Mary around and they cherished her caring nature. Sometimes it seemed like she wasn't working in their house for the money, but to just take care of them.

Maude heard a door in the hallway open, heavy footsteps following that she already knew was her husband's. "Tommy..." She muttered, a smile tugging at her lips as she grabbed a letter and floor print from her table and met Tommy in the living room. "Hello." She called out to catch his attention.

"Hello, sweetheart." He greeted, eyeing her excited smile as he poured himself a glass of whiskey.

She greeted him with a kiss when he approached her before nudging him to the couch. "Sit down." She ordered and Tommy did. She sat down on the ground next to him, putting down the blueprints before resting her arms on his lap as she fiddled with the letter in her hands. "Guess."

Tommy quirked an eyebrow as he stared down at her, not being able to help himself as he responded to her big smile with a small one of his own. "Guess what?" He asked as he reached out to run a hand through her hair.

"He said yes." She informed him as she handed over the letter in her hands, letting him look at it. "The leader of the Birmingham City Council is going to attend the dinner." She explained, excited to have gotten someone so important to attend the dinner, even if she was aware that these important people knew her husband, because, for the past months, Maude has poured her heart and soul into getting the institution ready for the children. "Everyone has said yes. Everyone." She informed him and his smile grew at her happiness. "I keep having to change the catering. And my writing hand is almost falling off."

"Oh, what are you writing for?" He asked her as his eyebrows furrowed, putting aside the letter as his attention turned back to her. " I bought you a typewriter." He reminded her of the gift he had bought her recently. With Tommy, she often got gifts just because. There was no special occasion needed for Tommy to spoil her.

Maude pursed her lips as she looked at him. "You don't write letters of a social occasion on a typewriter." She insisted with a shake of her head.

"Oh. Forgive me." Tommy replied as his smile grew and he reached out to cup her cheek.

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