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IV. Bonfire.

As soon as the men returned from the fare, they were met with the destruction caused in Small Heath. Their names were cursed up and down the streets as the people tried to put their homes back together, blaming the Peaky Blinders for what happened, because that is who Inspector Campbell told them to blame.

Soon upon their arrival back in Birmingham, the boys took to the Shelby home where Polly and Maude waited for them in the kitchen. While John handed out beer that they had in the home, Polly went into an explanation of what had happened while the boys were gone, telling them of what happened in the church when the Inspector spoke with her.

"The coppers told everyone Arthur had agreed to it when he was arrested," Polly informed them, her eyes on Tommy as she spoke. "They said the Peaky Blinders had cleared out to the fair to let them do it." She added as she took a seat next to Maude at the kitchen table.

"No one never said nothing to that copper about smashing up bloody houses!" Arthur grunted as he shook his head, a deep scowl on his face as he accepted a pint of beer from his younger brother.

"All right." Tommy sighed heavily as John handed him a pint of beer as well. "Which pubs did they do?" He asked as he looked at his aunt with furrowed eyebrows.

Polly pulled out a cigarette, lighting a match as she glanced over at Tommy. "The gun, The Chain, The Marquis." She listed, lighting her cigarette and taking a drag before she spoke again. "All the ones that pay you to protect them." She informed Tommy. "The only one they didn't touch was The Garrison. Made sure people think we were in on it. Smart, this copper." She muttered as she threw her match in the ashtray, crossing one arm over her waist and resting her other arm on top of it, glancing between the boys in front of her. "So go on. Drink your beers. Get out." She ordered them and they quickly finished their beers before putting away the glasses. "You better show people you'll still the cocks of the walk."

"Hand out some cash to the landlords of the pubs," Tommy instructed the men as they all began taking their leave. "Pay some veterans to fix the places up," He added as he pulled out a cigarette, lighting it with a match and taking a long and deep drag to calm his frustration.

Maude looked at her brothers, watching them as they grabbed their peaked caps and followed John into the shop. Henry looked back at her, and by the concerned look he gave her, she knew she'd be cornered sometime today, interrogated about what happened.

"So what about you, Tommy?" Arthur asked as he shrugged on his coat, looking at his brother with raised eyebrows.

"I've to go to Charlie's to stable the horse." He muttered, sparing his brother a mere glance before looking away, taking a long drag of his cigarette as his gaze found Maude for a split second. "Looked foot sore in the box." He said and Arthur stared at him for a second before turning to leave.

Polly's eyes were on Arthur, following him as he began to walk away. "Let them see your faces." She called out to him and he nodded in response.

With a deep sigh, Maude got up to her feet, ready to leave as well. Tommy stared at her, grabbing hold of her upper arm when she tried to slip past him. "You alright?" He asked softly as he leaned into her ear, peering down at her with raised eyebrows.

Maude glanced up at Tommy, her lips gently parted and her eyes wide and doe-like. Tommy was so close, it knocked her breath away for a second. She hesitantly nodded her head. "Yeah, I'm fine." She assured as she gave him a gentle smile, patting his chest before slipping away from him and leaving.

Polly watched the interaction with a pointed look. She crossed one arm over her chest, quirking an eyebrow when Tommy turned towards her. "You care for that girl." She concluded as she stared at him. She was sure of herself, and the next words out of Tommy's mouth, completely assured her.

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