•Maude Florence Shelby.

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XXXIII. Maude Florence Shelby.

In two years, a lot changed in the lives of the Shelbys and the Feltons. Maude and Tommy welcomed their baby boy into the world, Charles Alexander Shelby. The little boy was the absolute love of their lives and Tommy and Maude adored every second they spend with their baby. While the Shelby Limited business grew every day, Tommy made sure he always had enough time for his family. His absolute pride and joy.

Three new members entered their families as well. John and Esme had welcomed their second child, and so did Daniel and Anna. Both couples had baby girls, only a few months apart, with Daniel's daughter, Edith being the youngest member of the family.

The third newest member of the family was Arthur's wife, Linda. Most of the family didn't like Linda, as she had different views and morals than most of them. She was a good Christian girl among the devils. She tried to change Arthur, make him into a good man. Most didn't understand why she was with a bad man if she wanted a good one. But everyone knew her attempts would be wasted as there was no changing a Shelby.

Tommy and Maude had also moved into Arrow house, leaving behind the grimy and filthy streets of Birmingham and raising their son with only the best, spoiling the little boy with everything his heart could desire. In the two years, they had finished their business with the Italians and began business with the Russians. It was mostly transport but Tommy had bigger plans for the Royal Russians.

A year ago, Lizzie and Henry had split ways. The two had a mutual break up as Lizzie spent too much time with Linda and tried to change Henry into a better man. But despite their separation, everyone in the family knew the two still regularly saw each other, truly too in love to let go of one another.

That was until Lizzie met Angel Changretta. An Italian lad who owned his own restaurant in Small Heath. Maude was familiar with the Changrettas, as Tommy often did business with Angel's father, and Angel's mother always fanned over baby Charlie whenever she saw Maude and the baby out in Birmingham. They were good people but Maude knew trouble was going to stir.

After Sabini, Tommy and most of the family grew bitter resentment towards Italian gangs. They kept civil but that didn't mean to try and push them. And that was exactly what Lizzie did when she publicly stepped out with Angel and asked Maud if she could bring him as a plus one to the wedding.

Maude was sitting outside in the garden of Arrow house, it was exactly a week before the wedding and she was taking in the calm and relaxing after months of planning. Tommy came searching for her, eyeing her for a second before looking around, searching for the toddler who was never too far from his mother whenever she was home. "Where's Charles?" He asked as he raised his eyebrows.

"Anna picked him up for a play date with Archie." She replied as she glanced over at Tommy, eyes following him as he sat down b the white garden table.

"Better those two cause trouble over there than here." He muttered with a huff as he pulled out a cigarette, lighting it and handing it to Maude before pulling another out and lighting it as well.

Maude smiled, humming in agreement. "She said she'll keep him until the wedding Saturday, Daniel will look after the boys whenever she needs to be around for last-minute planning." She informed Tommy as she took a drag of her cigarette, blowing a puff of smoke into the air.

Tommy glanced at her with a quirked eyebrow. "Did we leave any last-minute planning?" He asked with a knowing look in his eyes, as neither he nor Maude rarely ever left last-minute planning.

"No." She replied with a shake of her head as she smiled softly. "But things can still go wrong." She reminded him as she took another drag of her cigarette.

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