•A boy.

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XII. A boy.

Polly and Maude arrived first at the house with Ada, leading her into the living room and preparing her, grabbing a bowl of water and keeping it close by as they got Ada onto her back. Esme arrived soon after, while the rest of the men went off to drink at the Garrison. Right before they left, Tommy had promised to continue the truce until midnight so that Freddie could come meet his baby.

Esme held Ada's hand while Polly assisted Maude in delivering the baby. "Keep going. That's right." Maude coaxed, nodding her head at Ada. "Push!" She instructed and Ada screamed as she pushed with what little strength she had left in her body.

Esme reached out, feeling around Ada's stomach before looking at Maude. "I think it might be the wrong way around." She said, her gaze darting between Polly and Maude.

Maude reached out, feeling around Ada's stomach and nodding her head as she looked at Esme. "Yeah, you're right." She confirmed before looking at Polly. "We should move her forward." She insisted and they helped Ada onto her hands and knees. "Come on, Ada. Alright, come on." She urged the girl.

"It's not long to go now, darling," Polly assured her as Esme rubbed her back.

It was at least twenty more minutes before Ada gave birth to a baby boy and five minutes later came her afterbirth. Maude took good care of the girl, assuring everything was alright before giving her alone time with her newborn.

The fireplace in the kitchen was started and Ada and the baby were moved in front of it to warm them both up while Maude prepared tea for everyone while Polly fanned over the baby. Then Freddie Thorn banged on the front door of the house and Esme opened for him.

Maude watched for a second as Freddie met his son, carefully taking him into his arms and welcoming him into the world. She joined Esme in the living room, talking about the wedding while the new family in the kitchen rejoiced at the little one they created.

It was a sweet moment that quickly grew bitter as another bang came to the front door. "Open up, Police!" A stern man's voice called out.

Maude and Esme shared cautious and confused looks with each other before Esme got up to approach the door. Once she had unlocked the door, it burst open and coppers stormed in.
"You can't come in here! There's a baby that's just been born." Maude yelled at them, following after them as they rushed into the kitchen.

"Freddie!" Ada panicked as she stared at her husband with wide eyes, cradling her screaming baby close to her chest.

"Don't do this here." Freddie pleaded as the copper yanked him up from his chair and threw him against the wall.

"Don't hurt him!" Ada pleaded with them, watching as they roughly cuffed Freddie. " Freddie!" She called out as a soft cry slipped from her lips and Maude rushed to her side, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "You're hurting him! Leave him alone!" She screamed at the coppers.

"You're taking me away from my baby." Freddie cried out as the coppers dragged him out of the house, leaving the woman in the kitchen with the newborn baby.

Maude looked at Polly with wide eyes, her eyebrows furrowed and her heart harshly pounding in her chest. Polly looked back at a sobbing Ada before looking back at Maude. "What just happened? "Maude asked as she glanced over at Ada, Esme trying her best to soothe the new mother as she held her.

"Thomas." Polly spat venomously as her lips turned into a snarl. Maude's eyebrows furrowed. She didn't believe it. She couldn't. She'd not believe the man that she has seen so much kindness from, could do something so cruelly. "You still have your brother's keys?" Polly asked as she looked at Maude with a quirked eyebrow.

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