•The wandering Jew.

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XLIV. The wandering Jew.

Three months passed fast as Tommy healed in the comfort of his home with all the help his wife could offer him. She was by his side for most of the time, only ever leaving him to take care of Charlie or the company. In this time she was so selfless, not taking a moment to herself and taking all her time to help Tommy.

But now he was back on his feet again. Although he had recovered from his injuries, he still had some lasting effects. The harsh blows to his head left him with frequent headaches and his vision in his left eye had grown weak, leaving him to need glasses, which he ultimately refused.

On Tommy's first morning back to business, he had scheduled a meeting with the men in his family, as well as Alfie Solomons. Maude had tried to talk him out of having Arthur meet with the Jew again, but after a long argument, she gave in, knowing her husband's mind was already made up.

Tommy was lounging outside in the sun with Charlie, while Maude worked in her office. A soft knock came to the door and when Maude told them to come in, Mary stepped inside, her hands clasped together in front of her. "Mrs. Shelby." She called out as she stepped up to Maude's desk. "There's a man here who calls himself the wandering Jew, he's looking for Mr. Shelby."

Maude's eyebrows furrowed at the name Alfie had decided to give himself, but she didn't quite expect anything less from him. With a soft sigh, she nodded her head as she set aside her work. "Right, take the Jew to the big room, Mary, and fetch Tommy." She instructed as she got up to her feet. "And if his brothers and mine arrive, send them to the kitchen."

Mary nodded in understanding before turning on her heels and rushing off to do as she was told. After a second of just standing there, Maude followed the maid out of the office, heading to the kitchen. She made a pot of tea and grabbed a bottle of whiskey, putting them on the table of the servants' quarters.

The four brothers arrived with Michael and Johnny Doggs soon after, and Michael crumbled about having to tell them something, needing their opinion on the matter. Everyone sat around, drinking either tea or whiskey as Michael told them about the girl he had gotten pregnant.

John was sat on one of the counters, his feet propped up on a chair as he smoked a cigar. He blew out a puff of smoke as Michael finished his story. "You've got two choices, Michael," John spoke up. "You fuck off to America with Arthur and join the Apaches, or you marry the girl." He informed the young man.

Ever since finding out about the robbery, Linda had made the decision, that after everything was done, she and Arthur would move to America to give their child a better life. And like with everything else, Arthur silently went along with his wife, whether he wanted to or not.

"This isn't a joke," Michael replied, his hands shoved deeply into his trouser pockets as he paced around a small space of the servants' quarters, his jaw set tightly.

Johnny Doggs, who, much to Maude's distaste, also sat on one of the counters that lined up the wall. His eyebrows furrowed as he looked over at the oldest Shelby brother. "Arthur, are you really going to live with the Apaches?" He questioned, but Arthur remained silent as he drank a cup of tea.

"Has she told her father yet?" Henry questioned as he quirked an eyebrow at Michael, grabbing the whiskey bottle on the table to refill his glass.

"No," Michael replied with a shake of his head as he continued to pace.

"He'll fucking shoot you, man." Daniel insisted with a shake of his head, letting out a sigh filled with relief that he wasn't in Michael's shoes.

"Are you sure the kid is yours?" Arthur questioned as his eyes followed Michael around the kitchen.

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