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XIX. Sabini.

Late the same night Tommy and his brothers as well as Maude's brothers went to London, Maude went to her office to drop off some of her papers and documents. Upon entering the building, she noticed Tommy's office was open and the lights were on.

Maude entered the office, expecting to see Tommy back from London, but instead, she saw Polly sitting behind his desk. Maude's eyebrows furrowed. "Pol, what are you doing here?" She asked as she walked further into the office.

"Waiting for Thomas," Polly muttered bitterly, venomously spitting Tommy's name out as she clenched her jaw. "Arthur called, they're on their way." She informed Maude.

"You looked pissed, what did they do?" Maude asked with quirked eyebrows as she made her way over to Tommy's desk, sitting down opposite Polly as she put all her papers aside on Tommy's desk.

"Tommy poured away the medicine I had you give Arthur," Polly informed Maude, her voice growing more bitter with each word.

Maude sighed softly. She knew it wouldn't be long until Tommy found out about the medicine. She also knew he'd surely find out it was her who got it for Arthur. Maude never wanted to get involved with it, but Polly had begged and pleaded for Maude to give Arthur something to help calm him down and so she did, knowing her boyfriend would be pissed if he found out, because the medicine she gave Arthur slowed him down and calmed him to the point where he'd not even care if a bomb fell next to him.

"I told you it wouldn't last long once Tommy found out," Maude muttered softly as she shook her head, giving Polly a knowing look.

Polly was silent for a second, knowing Maude was right, still, she was angry at him. With a huff, she spoke again. "Arthur also told me how they left their message." She informed the dark-haired woman in front of her as her jaw clenched again.

Maude's chest tightened for a second as she inhaled sharply. "How did they leave it?" She asked as she raised her eyebrows, knowing however they did, was bad if it got Polly this upset.

"Like wild fucking animals." Polly snapped with a huff, her lips twitching into a snarl. She grabbed a piece of paper from her dress pocket and slid it over to Maude. "You're the closest thing Tommy has to a trustworthy secretary, so I will give this to you." She said.

"Lizzie's his secretary," Maude said as she slowly shook her head while taking the paper, her eyes on Polly as her eyebrows furrowed.

"Who handles the legal side, you handle the illegal side." Polly insisted before nodding towards the paper now in Maude's hands. "I think that classifies as your department of things." She insisted.

Maude glanced down at the paper, reading the single word written down on it. Her face fell, her heart dropping for a split second as her stomach knotted. "Jesus Christ." She whispered as she briefly closed her eyes and shook her head. "Sabini." She repeated the word on the paper.

"I guess Tommy picked his side." Polly spat as another huff slipped from her lips.

"As well as started another war," Maude whispered as she rested her elbow on the table, pressing her fingertips against her lips as she stared down at the paper in her other hand.

"I thought you were his adviser?" Polly asked as she quirked an eyebrow at Maude.

"You think just because he gave me a fancy title and an office, he actually listens to me?" Maude scoffed in dry amusement as she looked at the older woman with a knowing look. "You're twice what I am Polly, and you can barely handle him, how am I supposed to?" She asked as she raised her eyebrows. Headlights flashed into the window of Tommy's office and Polly's mood only grew worse, knowing it was her nephew. "I'll leave you to talk to him," Maude muttered as she got up to her feet, gathering her papers as well as the one Polly had given her before going to her office.

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