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Sinclair Washington

"Let's give up for Sinclair," Tanisha introduces. Sinclair walks out adjusting her dress as she waves to the crowd. She hugs Seven and Keyaira. She waves to the other girls and smirks seeing the mugs on their faces.

"So, Sinclair, you're no spring chicken when it comes to reality tv. How did it feel to be in the bad girls club," Tanisha asked.

"Well, honestly, it felt amazing. It was a new experience for me and I don't regret it," Sinclair explains.

"That's amazing, Sinclair. Now you had beef with the girls on the other couch, but you didn't fight as much. Fans have been wondering why," Tanisha contineus her questions.

"I'm a fighter and everybody knows that so I decided I wanted to show more. Even though bitches kept trying me." She looks towards the other couch as they continute to stare her down.

"We get it bitch. You all bark no bite," Kiki shouts. The three girls side eye her and laugh at her making the audience.

"Kiki girl you're one to talk. You stirred the pot the whole time and when it came down to it you cried like the bitch you is." Sinclair shrugs as the audience oos.

KIki gets up and starts to shout a spur of curse words at Sinclair. Meanwhile Sinclair looks at her nails and twirls her finger around her face and points at Kiki to show that Kiki is crazy. Kiki notices and runs up on Sinclair. She tries to throw a punch but misses and ends up hitting the couch. Sinclair uses this opportunity to punch the side of her face and uses her body weight to pin Kiki under her. She throws many punches towards Kiki's body and face before secruity pulls her off of Kiki and takes her to the back. All Sinclair could hear was Kiki screaming and crying.


Production brings Sinclair back to the stage and sits besides Susan. She hugs Susan happily rocking them back and forth.

"Welcome back Sin, I see you're still in good spirits," Tanisha exclaims.

"I'll always be in good spirits after giving out a good ass whooping," She smiles as the crowd laugh. Kiki rolls her eyes as Sin blows a kiss to her.

"Now, that you're back lets talk about you and Sayyora. Both of yall got into early on in the season let's take a look at that," Tanisha points to the screen. They start a montage starting at the photoshoot where Sin first came in and shows Say confessional when she was talking about Sin. It then later shows Kiki and Say talking about Sin and more confessionals from Sin and Say. The last clip shows Sinclair's fight with Sayyora.

"Now Sayyora what was your problem with Sinclair because it came outta nowhere," Tanisha asked.

"I just didn't like the fact that she thought she own the place since she got a special treatment for a day," Sayyora explains. Sinclair mugs at her before scratching her head.

"So let me get this straight. You didn't like me from jump cause you didn't like the fact that was early to a photoshoot. You a weird ho," She exclaimed.

"It wasn't just that you stupid bitch. You were getting too comfortable with bitches that I don't like so that made it clear that we weren't ever gonna be cool," Sayyora explains.

"Oh girl please. You acted as if I did seem to you the way my name was in your name. I already whooped yo ass so we could head to the next topic," She states. The crowds laugh as Tanisha hides her laughter behind her hand. The converstaion moves from Sinclair to Susan. Moments later, Susan and Kiki get into fight. Sinclair sees that secruity was distracted so she took her chance and she hits Sayyora from the back. She has a tight grip on Say's hair as she continues to bash the living hell outta Sayyora head. Secruity finally notices her and manages to pull her away from Sayyora.


Production finally calms all the girls down and manages to get them on stage again. They bring Bri out and she starts going at it with Kdy and Seven. They start talking about the fight towards the end of the show which prompts them to show another montage. Tanisha asks some more questions before she starts talking to Sinclair.

"Now Sinclair why you beat Fran ass like that," Tanisha asked. The audience laughs making Fran side eye Tanisha hard.

"So it wasn't shown but after Key and Bri's fight in Vegas I overheard the big, bad, and restless talking shit about me. Fran was saying how ever since I got to the house that I bring nothing but drama everywhere I go. The only reason I'm here is cause I wanna promote my music da da da. And Kiki was in the corner laughing so that's why I was tryna get out the room," Sinclair explains.

"And you know what Sinclair I regret what I said because it was just a heat in the moment but however I still think my words are true," Fran reasons.

"Girl get the fuck out with that backhanded ass apology. Like i said before I joined the show in hopes for a new experince like the rest of yall," Sinclair huffs. Fran decides not to respond back and the conversation switches again.

"While on the topic of apologies, I would like to say sorry for tryna jump into your fight with Fran. I was on go that day and I wanted to fight anyone who touched my crew," Bri states. Sinclair gives her a small smile before walking up to her and giving a hug.

"I understand girl. You straight," Sin laughs. After more sgements and fights the reunion ends and the girls do a group hug.


So obvisouly I'm giving my girl Sin a lil backatory before I start the season. I also set a lil freindship for

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