Anxiety levels (requested)

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Pairing: Taylor Swift x (female) reader Warnings: Mentions of anxietyRequested by: taylorsparis

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Pairing: Taylor Swift x (female) reader
Warnings: Mentions of anxiety
Requested by: taylorsparis

Taylor had finally pulled in the driveway after a long and rather unpleasant day at the studio, she can't recall on the last time she's felt this upset and panicked about the whole thing.

It was not a good day for Taylor, and even though she was where she wanted to be, she wasn't ready to go inside the home you shared and just waited to calm herself as tears fell from her cheeks. All day, Taylor was holding back a sob she now can let out. What she didn't expect to become of it was an anxiety attack, she gets them every now and than, but you seem to get them worse than she does. Taylor didn't want to walk in the house in case you were in the living room or kitchen, or somewhere nearby that would have allowed you to see the state she was in. Taylor worried if she walked in like this, it would rub off on you and than you would be the one having to deal with the anxiety as well.

Stepping inside the house, it was nearly ten minutes after the time Taylor said she would be home by and you were beginning to get worried of where she might be. At some point during the day, you had the feeling of revelation to prepare something nice for Taylor, given the fact that she would be coming home from a bad day. Following that calling, you got to work on preparing her favorite meal that evening and when Taylor did walk in, it was all ready to go and the table was set. Just by knowing of her demeanor and especially the body language, you knew that she did however, had come home from a bad day you both hoped she can leave behind. Although Taylor seemed to feel really anxious about something, you still went ahead and carefully embraced her before gently leading her to the table where her meal was waiting to be eaten.

You took the usual spot at the end while Taylor takes hers beside you. You don't say anything or ask, you give Taylor the time she needed to compose herself for when she was ready to tell you what was going on. Anytime Taylor would have these episodes of anxiety attacks, you don't immediately rush her into it by asking, you give her some time alone with her thoughts. It seemed to do the trick, because as you waited until both your plates were empty to begin asking questions and she would give you brief answers. Brief answers were better than none as you respected that she may need her space a little bit longer. What had gone down at the studio that day pushed Taylor over the edge. The people she was working with could be cruel sometimes instead of focusing on what's more important. All throughout that day, the people she was working with was telling her that you both shouldn't be dating, telling her that she could do better than keeping you around.

Taylor defended you and the relationship you both had, but it soon became too much to handle before deciding to calling it a day and come home. It was never Taylor's plan to tell you about what happened, but she knew you would find out one way or another. She tells you because she would rather you hear it from her than anyone else, which was highly understandable. However, you don't get the whole story until you're both snuggled up together in bed watching a movie. Knowing this was not an easy thing for her to do, you held her hand the whole time as you just listen closely.

"It was just... just the things they said about you aside from that. I just couldn't take it anymore and left." she says.

Taylor's anxiety was rebuilding itself up as she continued to tell you everything, and you know you have fo stop her before the anxiety gets even more overwhelming than it already was at this time.

"I-I can't stop it. I'm sorry..." Taylor apologizes, confusing you as she had nothing to be sorry about at all.

"For what?" you ask fondly.

"For everything, failing you."

You were taken by surprise when you hear her say that.

"Taylor, you have nothing to be sorry for. You didn't fail me, you never could."

"But-" with each word she spoke, she sounded very shaken up.

Her voice wavers as you lightly tighten your grip on her hand.

"It's okay. It's okay. Just breathe, you don't ever have to be sorry for anything."

Your words seemed to have helped her settle down a bit, her voice not so shaken up as it had been earlier.

Taylor leans backwards into you, her head laying on your chest as you wrap your arms around her, holding her as closely as possible. This was very comforting not only to her, but to you as well. You hated seeing Taylor so upset like this, it made you want to walk down to the studio yourself and let the people have it, and you wouldn't be nice at all. A million thoughts had been crossing your mind, thoughts on what you would say to them and how much fun it would be for you to watch how they would react to it.

Before you know it, Taylor falls asleep in your arms and you soon fall asleep holding Taylor, the love of your life. You woke in the same position the next morning. Holding each other.
Taylor was already feeling much better after a good night's rest.

All thanks to you.

You knew just exactly how to make everything better again.

Requests are open!!!

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