Never Again

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"I'll be back for you, Y/n. And when I do, I won't allow you say no." he said, darkly.

A dark, cold shadow fell across your face and the atmosphere tensed dramatically. Dabi felt a shiver up his spine and not because he was frozen.

You walked closer to him and grasped his chin firmly. "You think you scare me?" you said dangerously.

"Let's me make one thing perfectly clear...I'm not afraid of anyone." 

Dabi couldn't look away from you. He tried to speak but you cut him off.

"When I finally escaped that man, I made a vow; that I would never be scared again. And that I would I would always be free and happy. So if you think you're gonna take that away from me...if you even TRY to send me back to that life of abuse and control... I will gut you with my bare hands and rip out all of your organs."

A moment of silence passed before he flinched at the sound of you talking again.

"But anyways, I'm late for my meet-up." you said sweetly, with a little laugh.

You deactivated your Freeze quirk and Dabi's body slowly started to return to normal.

"I'll be taking my leave now. Oh, and...don't even think about following me. If you do, I'll know it and I WILL make you suffer.......Touya Todoroki."

Dabi's eyes widened at the sound of his real name.

"Wait, how did you....HEY! COME BACK!"

He called out to you as you started to fade away into moving smoke. You disappeared within seconds and Dabi was left alone in the alley. He was now extremely shaken but finally able to move his body like normal again.

Taking you had proven much harder than he'd thought it would be. His plan had been to follow you as you went to the mall and strike when there was no one else around. He would knock you out and quickly carry you on his back to his apartment where he'd keep you forever.

That was the plan. Or at least it had been before you froze him without lifting a finger and threatened to give him a biopsy if he angered you. He had no clue how many quirks you had but he knew he wouldn't be able to handle them all alone.

He sighed as he realized what needed to be done in order to get you.

He was going to have to get Shiggy's help.



Hey Simps!

Wow, I can't believe it's been over a year since I've updated some of my books. Also I have an idea for a new book. It's going to be completely different from any of my other stories and might be a surprise to most of you. 

It's going to be called "Walking With Him" and it's kind of going to be a Christian book. My main character is going to live out life and all it's problems like a normal person making this a realistic-fiction story. I hope you guys check it out. I am thinking about working on the first chapter right now.

Later and I'll see yall in the next chapter!

Yandere Shigaraki x reader x Yandere DabiOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant