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My pov of you

You're standing next to Midoriya and he is legit bawling his eyes out. Bakugo notices it too, you both stare at him. Whatever drugs Midoriya took before helping us, he doesn't ever need to take again. All Might's voice can be heard above you on the large screen. He's pointing at the camera and giving a very motivating speech

Ohhh... now you understood.Everyone else thinks that All Might is talking to the community, but he's actually talking to Deku.

"Y-y/n..." All For One said faintly behind him. You were both horrified and filled with unspeakable rage at the exact same time. Your friends glanced at you and so did a few other people who'd noticed you in the crowd.

Now I know he is not about to expose my ass on LIVE TV!!!!!, you thought angrily to yourself. *pew* Oh shit. A knockout dart flew through the air and stuck All For One right in the neck. Three more zipped past All Might and did the same, just in case. 

Damn, talk about perfect timing.

You could feel your friends' were still watching you, curious expressions on their faces. Even Midoriya had stopped crying and was now mumbling possible theories to himself. Suddenly you thought of Todoroki, would you be able to deny him if he asked? 

"Are you All For One's secret love child?" His voice said in your mind. Bakugo obviously knew but didn't seem to care. However, there was no certainty that he wouldn't go off telling your classmates, or even some of the pro heroes.

Bakugo glanced at you as if reading your mind. You looked up at him, but he quickly turned his head away. Did he suddenly think you were a monster just because your father was? Had you not proven that you were at least a pretty decent person?

All this worrying was going to give you a massive headache.

Hmm...? you sent your aura out around you, searching for anything out of the ordinary. There. You detected the faint presence of Burnt Dino Nuggy and Krusty Krabs. They'd already left, but another familiar presence lingered. Twinkle-toes. AKA, the UA traitor.

He was watching you. Silently. From somewhere on the edge of the crowd. Your friends shivered as they felt your invisible aura and Aoyama's eyes on them. You continued acting oblivious as you drew your aura back in.

It was clear that Aoyama had given away the camp's location. After all, thats what a traitor does. You had to admit, it hurt when you found out. But then you looked into his eyes and saw why. His family, they were being threatened by All For One.

Ugh, what was the right thing to do? Should you turn him in? No, he's been watching you nonstop. No one else suspects him yet. However, the teachers have or will soon come to the conclusion that there is a traitor within the school. It was only a matter of time. You just had to be ready and patient. But that's going to prove harder than you thought.

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