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It was official. Aoyama was acting like the biggest creep on the planet....well, other than Mineta. You noticed he'd been acting strange for several days now and you were starting to wonder if he was on drugs. He certainly acted like it sometimes.

"Oh, Y/N?" This was the first time he'd actually spoken to you since you noticed him following you around. You turned around to see him rushing to catch up with you.

"Did you need something, Aoyama-kun?" You had to admit, you were curious as to what he had to say, and wondered if he was going to explain why he'd been acting so creepy lately.

"Do you mind if I ask you a few hundred questions?" You nearly choked on air at how blunt he was. How could he possibly have a few hundred questions to ask you?

"Um...sure." What else were you supposed to say, he was your friend. He looked both relieved and surprised at your answer, but quickly recovered. When he pulled out a pencil and notebook, you started to get serious Midoriya vibes, and wondered if Deku had put him up to this and why.

However, rather than a ton of questions about your quirk, Aoyama started asking you a bunch of questions about you in general. Your favorite food, favorite color, favorite drink....

"Um, Aoyama, do you have a crush on me or something?" You were walking to your next class, but Yuga stopped dead in his tracks. For some reason he started to get nervous, you could tell by the sweat forming on his head.

", not me...just a couple of friends of mine." He obviously knew more than he was letting on but you didn't want to pry.

"Okay, then," you said, and continued to answer everything he asked you. He continued to ask you questions all day long and as frequently as possible. You even noticed him writing down some of the things you did. 

Later, you would regret not being more cautious. And later on you would discover that he really wasn't acting the way he was for himself, but rather for a crusty crouton and a burnt piece of toast. Your class trip was in 3 days, none of you could wait. (;

Yandere Shigaraki x reader x Yandere DabiWhere stories live. Discover now