chapter 23 pt 2

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Alexandria P.O.V
"What the hell?" I shake my head, trying to get rid of the dizziness, but it only makes it worse. When I finally get rid of the hazeness is when I notice the people surrounding me. I was immediately sandwiched into a hug, blond, and mixed dyed hair blocking my view, but I did my best to hug them back. Enid punches my arm and makes me wince slightly by how strong she is. "Don't ever scare us like that again. we thought we lost you! -I-I'm sorry." I tried to avoid her eyes by looking around the room. That's when I saw Xavier and the barista. But there was something wrong with the barista he was attacked by the monster but his wounds. Could I have been right about him?

They shuffle awkwardly under my intense gaze.  "We were lost without you. Kat was depressed and more antisocial as ever, and Wednesday was more closed off than she was when she got here in the first place, and I was a-afraid… you would be stuck forever in your head." Hearing Enid's voice cracks makes my heart ache from the guilt of living them alone for so long.

I pull her closer to me, having her practically on my lap. "I'm sorry ηλιαχτίδα μου (My sunshine). I didn't mean to scare y'all. I was trying to protect you by gaining all of my abilities to stop the monster, but instead, I hurt you. I'm sorry -I don't care about the damn monster. All I want is for y'all to be safe." Enid bares her head deeper in the crook of my neck.

Enid gets off my lap and slowly helps me up with Wednesday and Kat supporting my back. When I'm fully standing, two other bullets fall onto the floor, making loud clunking noises. We watched as it rolled on the floor covered in blood. We watch the bullet roll to the door where the guys are shuffling awkwardly by the door while glaring dangers at each other and at me. 'It looks like I took your girl like Wednesday was ever there.' I glare back at the flash, my scarlett eyes at them. The damn barista and the Creeper.


Somehow, we ended up at the barista house.

I sat on the floor by Enid and Katerina's legs. They tried getting me to sit in a chair, but I refused since there were only a couple, and I didn't want them to stand or sit on this dirty floor.

Katerina found me a pair of jeans she left behind by accident.

Wednesday is patching up the barista wounds or at least trying to with what little stuff she has.

The house hasn't changed since the last time Wednesday and I were here. The barista won't stop making these annoying noises. I would have healed him by now if it meant I could leave, but I'm too tired and drained from the fight and my counterparts coming back. 'I think there's something wrong with Liz-Enid.' I look up at Enid, seeing as a scowl is imprinted on her face, not her usual warm smile, but after what happened tonight, I'm not surprised.

I tug on her hand, getting her attention. "Let's go outside, I need some much needed fresh air, and I think it will do you some good too." She gives a curt nod, not breathing a word out. I glance at Katerina silently, asking if she'll be alright alone. She gives me a crooked smile and a nod. We walk outside to the porch, leaning on the railing.

"Are you okay?" I ask as gently as I could, knowing she is going to explode. "Am I okay?! Wednesday almost got us pulverized and not to make this about me, but I am having a full-blown panic attack right now." Enid chuckles in disbelief and tugging on her hair as she paces around. "And not just that she literally got you killed, how are you alright with that!?" She shakes her head, wrapping her arms around her waist.

I pull her closer as close to me as humanly possible. "She doesn't care about us. we don't matter to her… right?" I run my finger through her hair, massaging her scalp, hearing her let out a sniffle. "She does care for us in her own weird way -Yeah, right." She said with sarcasm, but if you listen closely, you can hear sadness.

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