Chapter 1

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After my father left, Enid took you to the registrar's office to get your schedule

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After my father left, Enid took you to the registrar's office to get your schedule. "Enid, you can leave. I know my way to the registrar's office." You take a deep breath in to smell what kind of outcasts are around, but when you breathe in, you can only smell Enid. She kind of smells like a wet dog, which could mean she's a werewolf, but there's something else I just don't know what. "It's no problem. Can I ask you a couple of quick questions?" "I don't rea - What species are you?" Of course, that's the first question she asks, but you'll give it to her to ask the main questions. You can't tell her you're a hybrid of three species. I'll bring too much attention to me and that is something you don't want. It would be better if you just told her your a witch.

"I'm a witch." "Oh m gee!! I didn't think I'd ever meet a witch since they're one and a hundred." They're so rare because you got rid of most of them, but she doesn't need to know that. It'll raise too many questions. We take a right turn down a hallway to see two double doors, one with a sign on top that says the registrar's office. "Thank you, but I think I got it from here." You walk in before she can respond. You're glad you got out of there before she could ask any more questions. You start to walk up to the counter while looking around to see if anybody is here but only to find a little silver bell that you ring to see if anybody will come to the counter. When a lady in her mid-thirties comes to the counter. "Hello, what can I do for you today?" "I'm here to pick up my timetables." "Please, state your name and grade." "I'm Alexandria Khthon, and I'm in the 10th grade." She starts looking through her files in the cabinets. "OK, here's your timetable. " She hands you a small half sheet of paper. "Thank you, miss." You turn around to leave to go back to my dorm to unpack.


You're outside your dorm about to walk in when you hear some voices. You pressed your ear to the door to get a better understanding of what they were saying, but all you could hear were muffled voices, so you used a little bit of werewolf hearing to listen in. "I'm Miss. Thornhill, your dorm mom." Her voice is so formal but boring. Let's see what Miss Thornhill wants. "Apologies, I wasn't here to greet you when you arrived. I trust Enid has given you the old "Nevermore welcome." "She's been smothering me with hospitality. I hope to return the favor. In her sleep." You started chuckling very quietly, trying not to get caught by anyone inside, but that monotone voice is definitely Wednesday's. "Well, here's a little welcome gift from my conservatory. I try to match the right flower to each of my girls. When I read your personal statement in your application, I immediately thought of this one. I also have one for your other roommate, but I can see she's not there right now." What Personal statement: I didn't know we had to write one. 

That's probably why my father gave me that piece of paper, but you wonder what kind of flower she got me. You also wish to know what kind of flowers Wednesday got. "The black dahlia." 'I wish for a billion dollars.' You silently wish to anyone who's listening above. You see it was only a one-time thing and for something so simple. "Oh, you know it?" "Of course. It's named after my favorite unsolved murder. Thank you." Wow, you never thought Wednesday would ever say thank you. That's a nice surprise, but the murder case she talked about isn't such a big shocker. You think it's time for you to make your entrance. You reach your hand out to grab the handle. You start to push the door open while Miss Thornhill was talking again. " Okey-dokey. Before I leave I want to go over some hous-" You walk in getting everyone's attention. "Hey, ladies, sorry I'm a little late. I got a little sidetracked. Oh, who are you?" "I'm Miss Thornhill, your dorm mom." "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Thornhill." "Aren't you just a charmer, but you're just in time for the house rules." One point goes to me. "Light off at 10:00, no loud music, and no boys, ever." Well, that works in my favor, sorry boys. You were wondering if you could go to Jericho, but even if we can't, you'll probably just sneak out with or without their permission. "What's the story about going into the local town?" You swear she's a mind reader. "Passes to Jericho are a privilege, not a right. It's a brisk 25-minute walk, or there's a shuttle on the weekends. The locals are a tad bit wary about Nevermore, so please don't go making any waves or perpetuating any outcast stereotypes. That means keep your claws to yourself and no smothering people in their sleep."

You mean, it could be worse; she could kill someone instead if she wanted to. "Are we clear also here's your flower its- A spider lily" "You know what flower that is." "Spider lilies are associated with death since they were planted near the graves of people, and some consider it to be bad luck, disaster, and bad for when you go to the afterlife, or hell. However, this plant is also considered poisonous, according to some cultures. It's one of my favorite flowers. Thank you." "You're welcome; now this was a great talk." She turns around and starts to walk towards the door and opens it to leave. " I'm gonna unpack and go to sleep after." Wednesday looks at me with her cold brown emotionless eyes and starts to walk away while Enid skips to her bed, saying a quick, 'okay'.


You start walking down the courtyard to get to your next class, which is fencing. You get to the brown double doors wearing your scarlet fencing outfit only to see Wednesday and another girl going at it when the other girl takes a swipe at Wednesday's forehead. "Your face finally got that splash of color it so desperately needed." The girl starts to chuckle, but you're not worried about her. You're worried about Wednesday. Wednesday turns around to leave when your eyes connected with each other. For a second there, you felt warm until she broke eye contact. What Alexandria didn't know was that Wednesday felt the same, but she was confused about it because she didn't know what the feeling was. 


When fencing class was over you got changed a little faster than usual so you can go check up on Wednesday. When you start to get closer to the nurse's office you can see Wednesday looking up at the sky. You didn't know why until you heard something falling. "Wednesday!!" You use a little bit of your werewolf speed to get to her faster. You tackle her out of the way. You start to get up while looking down at her to see if she was okay but only to find her unconscious. You picked her up bridal style when some guy comes over. "Is Wednesday alright?" " Does she look alright?"I don't like the way he's looking at her but he could just be worried. You start moving forward to the nurse's office. You find the nurse's office before you could open the door. The boy comes and holds the door open for you. You walked in without even acknowledging him. You walked towards one of the beds and placed her down and you went to find the nurse. "She'll be alright." "Thank you." When the nurse finished checking her she left while you took a seat next to Wednesday waiting for her to wake up. She looks so relaxed like nothing in the world can hurt her. The guy is still here. You don't know why but you don't like it like you're already here there's no need for him to be here. "Why are you still here?" You say kinda harshly. "I...I'm just worried." You believe him but there's something else in his eyes for some unknown reason. 

You turned your head back to Wednesday to see her slowly start to stir and the boy also seems to notice. Both of you get up and move towards her until y'all where towering over her. She opens her eyes with a snap looking at the boy then looking at me and for a second we were just staring at each other. "Welcome back." He speaks like he knows her or something. My Wednesday starts to get up. "Take it easy κρίνο μου αράχνη."(My spider lily) You didn't know why you called her that but it doesn't matter she doesn't seem to care. "The nurse said you don't have a concussion, but you probably have a nasty bump, huh?" Why does he keep talking? "The last thing I remember, I was walking outside feeling a mixture of rage, pity, and self-disgust. I've never felt that way before." "Losing to Bianca has that effect on people, I think." So that's what the girl's name is, good to know. "Then I looked up and saw that gargoyle coming down and I thought. 'At least I'll have imaginative death' then you tackle me out of the way. Why?" She says the last part to you staring into your eyes waiting for answers. "Where's the fun in letting you die?" "I didn't want to be rescued." "Fine, next time I'll let it smash you into mush." " That would be greatly appreciated."


Author note:
What do y'all think about Alexandria and Wednesday's relationship so far?

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