Chapter 5

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You woke up with a loud bang and a thud from hitting the floor. And when you mean a loud bang, you mean Wednesday rolled you over and pushed you off your bed to wake you up to talk to the sheriff.

"Get up. We need to go talk to the sheriff." You groan in disbelief and discomfort. "Why can't you do that by yourself?" You lightly bang your head on the floor. "Because you're a key eyewitness. Now go get dressed, or I'll stab you in the back with a rusty knife." You quickly roll over onto your back, knowing she will do it, and you start to get up to get charge. "I dislike you, so much." You began to smirk when you get an idea for payback. "The feeling is mutual." You grab a knife from under your bed and throw it at her. She barely catches the knife. "I see somebody, not a morning person." You can practically hear the sarcasm. She starts toying with your knife.

That was plan A but lucky for you. You have a plan B and you know it's going to work. You began to take your shirt off, letting her see your toned body. "What are you doing?" You turn your head towards her, raising one of your eyebrows. "I'm getting ready. That's what you wanted." You began taunting her by flexing your muscles, knowing she was going to break soon. "I know what you're doing." Trying to keep her eyes away from your toned abs by just looking at your eyes. She looks at you with an unimpressed look. "And what's that?" You began walking towards her. Every step you take, she takes one step back until there's no more room for her to move back. "You're trying to get payback on me for waking you up." You began to lean down towards her, trapping her in between the wall and you.

You can feel her breath fanning your face. She smells minty but a little like coffee. You didn't notice her freckles before. Her pale cheeks and nose get a little darker. You wish you could stay in this position forever, but I doubt she will allow it. Too bad.

You ghost your lips on hers, waiting for her to give in. You can hear hear heart beat race when you lean forwards. She takes a deep breath and begins to lean in until you suddenly move back, going back to getting ready. "We don't wanna be late. Know do we." You try to contain your laughter by turning around and putting your hand over your mouth. If looks could kill, you'd be six feet under with the stares Wednesday giving you. She stumps in frustration, well not really stump but harder than she usually walks.


You and Wednesday are walking with Principal Weems and the sheriff. Wednesday is walking on the right side of the sheriff, and you are walking on the right of Principal Weems. "How could you miss a dead body? -'Cause it wasn't there." You flash your eyes at the sheriff, making sure he stays in his place. His body becomes stiff with fright when he sees your eyes. "No footprints, no blood, no sign of a struggle. Nothing, nada." He tells Wednesday, trying to avoid making eye contact with you. "My search party looked all night." You don't like his attitude; it's getting on your nerves.

"Clearly not that well, or you would have found the body by now." Y'all take a left turn, making your way up the stairs. The sheriff turns around to say something, but he realizes that you could kill him where he stands. He turns back around with a sigh while shaking his head. "Well, your search party must have left their seeing-eye dogs at home." You can Wednesday is very annoyed with the sheriff. "We saw that monster kill Rowan right in front of us." That monster was ugly very ugly, like what happened to its eyes. Why are they popping out like that? It's like they want to roll away or pop away.

"Get a good look at this monster thing? -It didn't stick around for a chat, especially when Alexandria tossed it across the forest." She brings up good points. You wonder what the sheriff will say to counter that. "Maybe it was one of your classmates." Boo worst, Sheriff ever. He can't keep blaming Nevermore for things they didn't do. "Sheriff, I find that question offensive." Principal Weems stops on top of the stairs, looking down at the sheriff in irritation. "I don't care, 'Cause I got three other dead bodies in the morgue." You cross your arms looking around.

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