chapter 28

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I was sitting in the middle of the floor trying to meditate for what's coming next. I know that somebody is going to come and ransack our dorm for Goody's book, but I can't help but feel that something's off like how did Laurel know to use vervain and wolfsbane laced bullets? And better yet, where they get those ingredients, I made sure to make that stuff scarce. I sigh, rubbing my temples. 'You can only really find it in my kingdom, and even then, it's locked up and sealed tight. You have to be really high up on the food chain to have access.’ I twirl one of the bullets between my fingers, feeling the familiar sting.

The sounds of somebody's footsteps get closer to me. I open my left eye peeking at the goddess in front of me. “You look beautiful, αγάπη μου.” (my love) Wednesday eyes my face for a second before speaking in a tone I never expected from her. “Mia Cara, I can stay if you wish it.” She speaks so softly that it comes out into a whisper. My heart skips a beat at the intimate name, but I shake my head, trying to get rid of any growing blush. I grab a black string, tying it around the stray bullet. “Here. For you. Take ‘Thing’ with you too. I have a feeling things are going to get ugly real soon.” ‘Thing’ scurries across the floor and immediately starts arguing. “I don't want him getting stuck in the crossfire.” ‘Thing’ gets closer to me and rams a finger in my thigh, trying to get me to let him stay.

“Mia Cara, I would feel better if he stayed with you.” Wednesday crouches down in front of me, kissing my lips gently before kissing my forehead. “...please, so I can know you're safe.” She grabs my chin, looking deep in my eyes fondly, but there was a hint of madness somewhere in those deep, beautiful brown eyes. I begrudgingly nodded my head, not putting up much of a fight knowing she owned my soul and she'll get what she wanted in the end, I gave her a quick kiss before getting up. “But only if he promised to stay hidden. Can you do that?” My question is pointed towards ‘Thing’; he responds with various taps sealing his promise to stay hidden.

A thunder clap is heard from outside. A growing sense of dread feels my body as I grow a little cautious, not wanting Wednesday to be out there in the pouring rain. I didn't want her getting sick from a common cold, especially when it's dangerous. We looked through a nearby window on Enid's side of the room, seeing dark, angry thunder clouds.

Sorrow strikes us both in different ways. I can see the look of anguish and guilt in Wednesday's eyes, but on the outside, she seemed emotionless, unbothered by the absence of the bubbly girl. I wonder what she and Katerina are doing. Enid probably with that gorgon, and Katerina is most liking watching some Netflix. She likes watching Grey's Anatomy. I only watched parts of it with her. “You missed them, don't you?“ Wednesday stiffens at my question but relaxes after a minute. “More than words can describe.” Since finding out about the mate bond, Wednesday has become a little more open, not bothering denying or hiding how she feels to me. “I do too, but I have a feeling things are going to go our way very soon.” I bring one of her hands to my lips, kissing her palm softly.

I look at the time on my phone, seeing Wednesday is going to be late if she doesn't leave right now. “It's time. Be careful.” I kiss her one last time before handing her a sweater in case it gets cold at Crackstone crypt. “Remember your job is to guard that diary while I'm gone. I'll be back as soon as I can.” She looks at ‘Thing’ before looking at me with a calculated gaze. “You remember yours?” I nod my head grimly not because of my job but because I'm going to be torn away from my love's. “Yeah, get kidnapped and find out who Laurel is and report back via astral projection.” ‘Thing’ climbs up my leg, feeling excluded from the conversation. He begins tapping on my shoulder, taunting Wednesday. “It's not a date. It's a stake out. Know thy enemy, right? Watch that diary!” Wednesday storms out giving ‘Thing’ a nasty glare that would make the most powerful man tremble.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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