Chapter 8

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Why is the bee shed so deep in the woods? Is it because it's peaceful out here where the bees can roam free with no worries and interruption. Or maybe because many people fear bees or are allergic to them, and putting them close by would cause chaos. As you get closer to the shed, you hear the buzzing of bees. You observe your surroundings, making sure you don't stump or hurt any of the bees.

Wednesday and Enid should already be there while you went back to your dorm to grab your headphones in case this gets boring. As you get closer, thousands of bees and beehives surround the shed with flowers sprouting and growing everywhere. Outside the shed door, you hear Wednesday's voice talking to an unfamiliar voice while they are talking, you walk in. "Besides, I should be thanking you. This is the most girls I've ever had in the shed. Other than bees." Deciding to make your presence known; you begin to speak. "Well, now I know I'll be welcomed with open arms. You must be Eugene. I'm Alexandria."

Raising your hand waiting for him to shake it. "I don't sting." He hesitantly grabs your hand with his glove-covered hand. You give him a firm handshake while giving him a crazy grin, trying to scare him. "I... I-ahh -I -ahhh - Leave him be Lexa." Wednesday says with a deadpan face and a bored voice, shooting you with a glare to behave yourself. But you didn't care about that; what you did care about is how she used a nickname for you. You're not going to comment on it because she probably doesn't want to make a big deal out of it. You don't want to make her uncomfortable with your comments, either. You give her a little nod and a small smile.

You make your way toward Enid, seeing if she is going to be alright here. "Hey Enid, if you want, you can still back out. No one's going to force you to stay." You give her a reassuring smile showing there's no pressure on her if she wants to leave. "No, it's fine, Lexa. I want to help you and Wednesday with this case, and besides, that's what friends do. We help each other out." Right 'friends'. You feel a little sting in your heart when she says we're friends, but let's hope you can change that. Soon. She gives you a bright smile while ghosting her hand over yours, trying not to cross any of your boundaries.

"Thank you, Enid. You are a true friend. And when we go back to town I'll buy you whatever you want." She moves towards you a little like she was going to hug you, but she stops herself at the last minute before she can, not wanting to cross any of your boundaries. Out of gratitude and impulse, you hug her, but only for a couple of seconds, then you let go. You didn't know her smile could get any brighter, but it did. She lets out a loud squeal while jumping up and down, not caring if she knocks something down or is being watched. "Don't make a big deal out of this." You grumble out, not actually angry. "I have a reputation to uphold."

You grab her shoulder, trying to keep her in one place, not wanting her to knock anything over or get herself hurt. "How can I not make a big deal out of this!? And who gives a freak about your reputation when you just hugged me and laughed. That's a big step in our relationship from when you wouldn't even let me touch or hug you when you got here. Next time, maybe you let me hold your hand or let me initiate the hug!" Giving her a small squeeze on the shoulder after she calmed down with that shit-eating grin on her face, daydreaming the next time this happens.

Wednesday clears her throat from behind you. "I think that's enough. We have more important things to do than squabble like a headless chicken." You give Enid one last smile before walking out of the raggedy shed with Wednesday.


After a while of walking in the forest, fog started surrounding the forest. All of the animals must have hidden in their homes because you couldn't hear any animals with your enhanced hearing. There was no noise, no sudden movement that would attract attention to them; it was like this whole forest was abandoned. Something was wrong, very wrong. You get closer to Wednesday in case something happens. "Something doesn't feel right. Shouldn't there be animals out here?" She stops what she is doing. Not moving a muscle, just standing there like she's waiting for something. "Stay on guard, we don't want any surprise attacks." She also must've found it strange.

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