chapter 12

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Alexandria P.O.V
You and Wednesday were posted in the fudge factory while everyone else was outside. Wednesday started giving this big speech about fudge in German. "Enjoy your "authentic" pilgrim fudge made with cacao beans procured by the oppressed indigenous people of the Amazon." You see Katerina in the corner trying to hold in her laughter. You decide to speak up and finish Wednesday's little speech. "All proceeds go to uphold this pathetic whitewashed of American history. Also, fudge wasn't invented for another 258 years. Any takes?" Everyone starts filling out the building, leaving only you, Wednesday, and Katerina alone with the pilgrim lady from before at the main entrance.

The pilgrim looked at us, but before the pilgrim lady could scold us, we left. As y'all walk around the pilgrim world Wednesday decided on a question that's been bothering her.  "You can speak German?" You tilt your head down, looking at Wednesday with a coy smile. "I can speak many languages." But before you can say more, you hear some shouting close by that sounded a lot like Eugene. Y'all walk to wear the noises are coming from. Y'all see Eugene about to get locked in one of the stocks, but Wednesday decided to make her presence known. "Howdy, pilgrims." She so got that from Enid. Wednesday stops the guy from putting Eugene in the stock by putting her hand in the way.

"Let him go. -You want to end up in the stocks, too?" His threat is void. "Do you not remember what happened the last time you tried messing with Wednesday? By the way, how's your finger? I hope you remember what I said. What will happen to you if you ever try hurting a lady?" You can see him get visibly mad at your comment, but you know he's frightened deep down. Which is good. It'll make this so much easier if he's angry. He grabs Eugene and tosses him to his friends. The Pilgrim tries to grab Wednesday but to everyone's surprise, Katerina steps in and kicks the pilgrim's feet from under him and when he tries to get up she punches him in the face making him dizzy. She grabs him by his collar, forcing him up and into the stocks, and locks him in.

To say you didn't find that impressive or very attractive will be the understatement of the year. When you look at Wednesday, it seems like she agrees with the way she's looking at Katerina. "If you leave now, I won't tell my father what you did today." The boys look at each other. "I can't get into any more trouble with my dad." The boys scramble off, leaving their friend there. "No, wait." The throw-up boy in the stocks calls out for his friends. "Let's get you cleaned up." Wednesday grabs Eugene, taking him behind a building. Y'all follow them but at a slower pace. "What was that back there?" You look at Katerina to see that between her eyebrows, there was a crinkle. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." She plays with her glass rim. She does that when she gets nervous. You nudge her shoulder a little, trying to be reassuring that she doesn't have to tell you.

"It's fine. You're going to find out one way or another. When people started finding out about my father's affair with my mother and that I was the product of their affair they started bullying me, doing all they can to make me feel like an outsider…  an outcast… so my mom practically begged my father to teach me how to fight. My father was reluctant, but after some persuading from her and seeing me get beat up, he eventually agreed." My poor Katerina, she's been left alone to defend herself, only having her mother to lean on. You grab her hand and kiss her knuckles. You can see the tension slowly leave her body. You pull her closer to you so she'll be able to lean on you.

When y'all finally stop walking, Wednesday takes off her bonnet and starts wiping Eugene's clothes until she gets to his mouth. "Nobody ever stood up for me before." You and Katerina stand behind Wednesday making eye contact with each other when Eugene says nobody ever stood up for him before making a silent promise to protect him. "You said hummers stick together." Eugene looks at Katerina, but he doesn't say anything about her not being a Hummer. He must like her.  "I know this might come as a shock, but I don't have any friends." Wednesday stops cleaning Eugene's clothes for a second but then starts again.

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