Chapter 9

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It was a cold night tonight, feeling a cold breeze go throughout your clothes, sending a cold chill down your spine. Walking down the courtyard, making your way toward your dorm, you unlock the door when you get there, holding it open for Wednesday. When you get in, you make eye contact with Wednesday having a silent conversation with each other, seeing what she wanted to do next about Rowan. Until coming to a silent agreement. "I'll pack a bag in case something bad happens when we get there or we get stuck someplace." Wednesday gives you a nod in response while making her way towards her side of the room, she crouches down, going through multiple drawers, grabbing a piece of clothing or item from each drawer she goes through. She gets up from her crouching position, taking the pile of clothes with her and leaving the items on her desk to grab later, she makes her way to the bathroom the school installed when you and Wednesday got here. Enid was over the moon about that. 'Pun intended.'

While she was changing clothes, you flew up towards your bed. Grabbing an extra backpack that you keep in your closet in case your other one gets ripped or gets damaged in some way. Going to your secret stash of food and water under a loose floorboard that's under your bed. You don't usually eat the snacks until you are starving, like stomach rumbling kind of starving, but you also keep them there for emergencies, for example, a power outage. After putting everything you needed into your bag, you changed into a new pair of clothes and put your uniform back in the closet. You make your way down towards the first floor to see Wednesday, grabbing a backpack and putting 'Thing' in it. "We should go before it gets any darker." Before we left, she grabbed a flashlight, and you locked the door.


You let Wednesday climb through the window first since there's a better chance you'll survive the fall. Since you know you're immortal and all, or you'll turn into an immortal. It was also getting colder really fast. You don't want Wednesday getting sick or anything along those lines. Xavier was already in the bathroom when you and Wednesday climbed into his room. "The purple book has got to be around here somewhere. Start investigating." You look through some drawers trying to find anything. But you found nothing. You go under his bed to see if there are any loose boards by pulling on every one of them. "Rowan's full of surprises." Wednesday mumbled out, finding a mask under a floorboard. Two sudden knocks were coming from Xavier's door. Wednesday crawls under the bed you're under, making it very crowded. "Move over." You move over as much as you can without being caught, but there's only so much room.

You try to give Wednesday more room since her back is pressed against your front, but it only made it worse, so you just stopped altogether. You were being suffocated by her aroma. The smell of black dahlia mixed with black licorice, it can never get old the way it makes your heart beat faster and makes your throat dry like you haven't drank water in centuries but weirdly at the same time it makes your mouth watery. "You're not supposed to be up here." Before you can be totally entranced by her smell, you hear Xavier talking.

"Good to see you too." Says a very familiar voice. You try getting a better view, but you can only see their feet. "How'd you get past the Housemaster? Use your siren power?" Wow. What's with the accusations like giving the person a break before you attack them. "Not while I'm wearing this. Would it kill you to not think the worst of me for once?" Wait, you know that voice that's Bianca. You know what you take your words back from earlier. Say as many accusations as you can, Xavier. "What do you want, Bianca? -To see how you're doing." Wow, ain't that just sweet. If you can't tell, you're stabbing your eyes out. "I'm sorry about Rowan. I know you guys used to be close." Why isn't he reacting? "Since when did you give a damn about Rowan." This is going to be a long night. You drown them out and start playing with your magic. Wednesday glares at you. "Cut it out. You're going to get us caught." Bianca and Xavier stop talking and move closer to the bed. "Do you hear that? It sounds like it's coming from under your bed." Bianca looks crouched by the bed. "It's probably nothing." Xavier sighs in annoyance at Bianca's persistence and goes to the other side of the bed, also crouching down.

Before they can look under the bed, you put a barrier around you and Wednesday, making y'all look invisible. You stare into Bianca's brown eyes, waiting for them to leave. You begin to relax when they go away. "See, there's nothing there." Xavier makes his way to his desk with Bianca trailing behind him. "Seriously, what do you see in Wednesday?" Wednesday looks at you. "How long can you keep the barrier up?" "As long as you need me to." Wednesday crawls from under the bed while you do the same. Both of y'all make your way to a corner. "You have a thing for tragic goth girls with a funeral-parlor fashion sense and someone who dresses like a murder?" You look at Wednesday's clothing somewhat agreeing, but you can't say anything since your clothing color consists of black and red and maybe some blue, but that's it.

"Maybe it's because they haven't tried to manipulate me." Not yet. Bianc looks astonished by his comment. "I make one mistake, and you can't forgive me. She treats you like crap. You can't get enough of it. And so does Alexandria, and yet you still try." You treat him like crap because you don't like him, and with that final thought, you shrugged your backpack off and opened one of the many zippers to grab a chocolate bar. "You want some." Wednesday ignores you. "It's dark chocolate." She barely glances at you, but at the last second, she grabs the whole bar and begins to eat it. You smile at her and turn back to the conversation.

"Why are you fixated on Wednesday and Alexandria?" Yes, you would also like to know that. "Because she thinks she's better than everyone else! And the other one threatened to kill me when I hurt her precious little Wednesday." Wednesday side-eyed you while hearing this. You never told her about it because you didn't want her thinking 'that you thought she was weak'. After all, she's far from it.

Bianca moves closer to Xavier. Please for the love of all that's holy do not start fucking! "I can't wait to crush Ophelia Hall tomorrow and watch their werewolf roommate crumble. It's gonna be a Poe cup finale to remember." The light flickers at what she said Xavier and Bianca don't seem to notice but Wednesday does. "I hate to think about what you've got planned. -My game's already started." What you will give to wipe that smug smirk off her face. "I like to win. Is that so wrong?" "And you wonder why I broke up with you." Xavier looks Bianca dead in the eye.

You think this is the only time you'll like him. "You used to love my killer instinct." Bianca grabs Xavier's hand while standing up holding his hand captive. "We were good together, Xavier." "Were we? Is that just how you wanted me to feel?" You watch go back and forth on why they broke up not giving the full reason to why but you got a good idea of why. "Trust me, Wednesday Addams is not the girl of your dreams. She's the stuff of your nightmare. And Alexandria will never be your friend no matter how hard you try. She'll just use you when she needs to." Bianca walks out of the room. 'Thing climbs up your leg until he's on your shoulder.

You and Wednesday make it out the window and up to the roof. "Do you wanna fly or climb to our dorm?" You look at the time seeing that we just missed dinner. "Fly. It'll take less time." You let your magic wrap around you and Wednesday, letting it lift y'all up and take you towards your dorm room


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter but I wanted y'all to know the voting for the cover and title ends tomorrow.

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