Chapter 4

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After Enid told Wednesday how to use her computer, she sent out 'Thing' to find the barista. She makes a plan with the barista, so she'll be able to escape. I don't want her to go, but if this will make her happy, then I'll let go. Wednesday starts to pack her stuff and put it in her black briefcase.

Enid starts to get ready so she can go and say goodbye to Wednesday. You grab one of your knives to put in your boot, and you can't ever be too safe. "Is everyone ready to leave?" "Wait, let me just grab my jacket- okay, ready now." Enid grabs her pink jacket from her bed and puts it on. "How about Wednesday? Are you ready to leave?" "I can't wait to leave this wretched school." You thought you saw a flicker of emotion cross her eyes. If you did see it, then it left as quickly as it came because it wasn't there anymore when you looked into her brown eyes.

"Then let's go." You open the door so y'all can leave.


It's the weekend, a great time to escape. Nevermore, no one would suspect it, at least not until Wednesday is gone.

You're standing with Wednesday and Enid, watching the barista get yelled at by his father. "You know I could've taken you to the train station myself." You asked her while furrowing your brow in worry that something might happen to her. "Principal Weems will suspect you and Edin first when I leave; she can't do anything without solid evidence." She's not wrong, but the way you see it, you're getting in trouble no matter what. "If I didn't know better, I'll say you're worried for us." You know you're pushing it, but it's worth it if you get a reaction out of her. "I'd rather pull my own nails out than ever be worried for you and Enid."

Before more can be said, Enid voices her worry about the normie. "Are you sure you can trust that normie?" Enid twisted her face in suspicion, not trusting the normie. "See, even ηλιαχτίδα μου doesn't trust the barista and she trusts practically everyone." (My sunshine) "I trust I can handle myself. Don't doubt my capabilities." "You're right. Sorry." She'll be alright, but for right now, you'll put a protective spell on them. "Good luck and safe travels." Enid goes to hug Wednesday only to see her step back.

"Still not a hugger. Got it." Enid says with a dejected face. Enid walks away towards her friends. "Why are you still here?" She says with a deadpan face. While also looking around only to make eye contact with Principal Weems. "You're the only real reason why I'm here after this. I'll probably go back to Nevermore." She looks at you with a blank face before you turn around to walk to one of the concession stands. "Well, are you coming?" You stop and turn around towards Wednesday while raising an eyebrow. She starts walking towards you. You turned around to start walking to a stand. You found one that looks like fun. It looks like one of those throw-darts games.

You see a couple win a panda from the game. Wednesday grabs a dart and pops one of the balloons; she keeps on doing this until Xavier shows up. "Jeez, if you get any better at this, you'll be taking home a whole pack." Maybe you should show him your throwing skills. "Panda don't travel in packs. They prefer solitude." She throws a dart to get her point across. "All right. Subtle hints taken, but what about her?" "She knows how to stay quiet and you should know we're waiting for someone." At Least she said 'we' you know there is going to be a lot of drama to enjoy. You wish you had some popcorn, wait a second.

You teleported to a concussion stand that sells popcorn and grabbed one before anyone could notice. You teleported back only to see Xavier leave. 'Dammit, I missed the show.' You can feel Wednesday's burning stare on the back of your head. "You wanna have a challenge." "I do love challenges but what do I have to gain from it?" She throws another dart waiting to see if you'll have anything good to offer. "I'll let you experiment on me and my abilities." You grab some popcorn and toss it in your mouth. "I do love dissecting and experimenting. That is a very tempting offer but what do you get in return?"

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