chapter 13

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Katerina P.O.V
Wednesday gets up from Alex's lap and walks to a hole in the wall. "Must've been the bearded man from earlier." Wednesday looks back through the whole but only to gasp in fright. "Come on! Come on!" Wednesday grabs our hands, pulling us with her as she runs after the monster. We kept on running even when the barrier fell down around us, which was keeping the rain from hitting us.

I don't know what we are chasing, but what I do know is that it killed multiple people, and we are following it, which is crazy, stupid, and reckless. I'm pretty sure y'all get it. We keep on running until Wednesday, which stops all of a sudden, making me almost crash into her. If she didn't sidestep away and grab my waist, I would have fallen face-first. I give her a nervous smile while looking at her intense, deep brown eyes. "Sorry." She let go of me after she put me upright. I can feel my face starting to heat up. I look at Alex, seeing her hiding her face behind her hand, trying not to laugh.

I covered my face with my hands and slowly began to trail behind Wednesday. "The monster's human." Alex stops laughing and crouches beside Wednesday. She begins to observe the footsteps touching them. "It's still warm. Which means they didn't get far. If we keep on following the tracks, we could possibly find the monster today." Alex gets up from her crouching position, looking at us with those intense blue-green eyes. They are almost like the ocean and forest crashing together for the first time. Her eyes hold so much warmth and yet so much mystery. I hope one day I'll be able to look into those eyes and see all the emotions and be able to understand what she is thinking at that very moment.

Before I can get lost in my thoughts, the boy from Weathervane comes to us with an umbrella. "What the hell are you doing?" Wednesday gets up from her crouching position and faces the boy, but if I remember correctly, his name was Xavier. "We were following the monster. -Y'all saw it?" Alex and I move to stand behind Wednesday with Alex glaring at Xavier and me watching him very closely in case he steps out of line. "It's here? Do y'all have a death wish or something? Not only that, but you brought a normie into it." He sees panic trying to get us away, but why? And what if I'm a normie? I'm pretty sure I can take him down if I need to bet I won't since violence isn't the answer.

"What are you doing here?" I pulled my eyes away from Xavier and began to look around. "I overheard you say you were checking out the old meeting house." I moved to where the footsteps were when I noticed they were washing away. I grab Alex's hand and point to the footstep. Alex comes over and takes her phone out and takes a picture. "It's lucky I showed up when I did." I tug on Wednesday's sleeve trying to get her attention. "I did learn one thing. The monster is human. Its tracks turned from monster to prints to hum-the footsteps are gone." Wednesday turns around so quickly that I thought her neck would snap.

"The rain washed them all away." Xavier, but to show him up, Alex shows him the pictures. The look on his face makes Alex and Wednesday smirk. "Sorry for doubting y'all, but I do think you're right about Rowan." Alex puts the barrier back above us, keeping us from getting wetter. Alex brings her hand together, muttering something under her breath. Her hands catch on fire, catching the attention of Wednesday and Xavier. She brings her arms out and makes the fire float from out of her hand and in front of Wednesday and I.

"Why the sudden change of heart?" Wednesday looks up to Xavier being suspicious of him. "I texted him again today. I said maybe we could meet over spring break and go snowboarding like we did last year. This time, he texted right back and said he wouldn't be able to make it." I think I'm starting to catch on to what he's trying to say, and it looks like the rest are too. "Only you never went snowboarding last year."

Alexandria P.O.V
You move your eyes away from Xavier's and begin watching your surroundings, in case the monster should come back. "Katerina, can I have the stick back? Only until we get back to town." Katerina hands you the stick she was twirling with a curious look. Once it was in your hand, it started to glow. You let your magic surround the sword, making it shape the stick to your desire, but you were struggling. You needed a little push since you're a bit rusty when it comes to warping reality, so you use some of the magic you absorb from your brother when he died. Once your and your brother's magic goes back into your body, it forms a black double-edged sword with your magic coursing through it with the hint of your brother's magic. You move towards a tree truck slicing straight through it, making the tree fall backward with a loud bang.

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