Chapter 27

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We climb the stairs up to our room with Fester in front of us, who's talking to 'Thing'. "My one-handed friend, I'm impressed you got the safe open so fast." Fester comments fake mockery. 'Thing' taps violently on Fester's shoulder, causing Fester to flinch away from the thundering pain.

I sigh at their bickering, reluctantly grabbing my keys to open the door for everyone. Fester immediately goes to the big window, pushing his face up on the glass with a giddy smile. "These are some sweet digs. How'd you swing your own single?" I flinch slightly at the mention of being a single room. "My former roommate couldn't handle my toxic personality besides I share this room with Lexa." My heart skips a beat when I hear her say my nickname. "Ohh, I get it." Fester gives us a wink with a disturbing smile. “Your parents are the same.” My cheek flares up, and I twist my head away and towards Wednesday to see her back become stiff, and she stops flicking through the pages.

I sigh and decide to lean over Wednesday's shoulder, getting a full view of her freckled face feeling the warmth coming off her body, getting me to hum softly in her ear. I toss a look to the journal and see her on a page about Alpha werewolves. My front is lightly pressed on Wednesday back, and I let out another soft hum reading the words of the pages under my breath. I turn the old brittle pages, seeing the pages about the hyde. "Finally." I glanced at Wednesday seeing what she thought of the newfound information, but in the corner of my eye, a scarlet red hue covers Wednesday's cheeks and her side-eyeing me.

I reassess my positions and opt to lean on the fine wooden desk. "Faulkner describes Hydes as artists by nature, but equally vindictive in temperament. Born of mutation, the Hyde lays dormant until unleashed by a traumatic event or unlocked through chemical inducement or hypnosis. This causes the Hyde to develop an immediate bond with its liberator, who the creature now sees as its master. It becomes the willing instrument of whatever nefarious agenda this new master might propose." The words easily flow from Wednesday's lips and into the air, grabbing my full attention. I listened to her words like they're a sonnet, especially when I heard about the master. Even if I already knew this, Fester didn't.

"Anyone willing to unlock a Hyde is a next-level sicko." I firmly nod my head in agreement, pushing my body away from the desk, leaning down to untie my dark martin's, kicking them off my feet with a sigh of relief. "You know it's bad when Fester's says it." Wednesday nods in agreement. I flex my toes, getting satisfying cracks in return. "That means I'm not looking for one killer but two. The monster and its master." Wednesday is getting better at ‘the acting thing’ but I think it's because now we have a plan, a plan she can follow, it makes it easier to pretend.

I recoil at the sudden sound of the fast knocking at the door. We quickly hide everything in one of Wednesday's desk drawers. I swiftly but slowly make my way to the door while ruffling my hair and clothes like I just rolled out of bed but before I can grasp the handle it swings open hitting me in the face with a loud crack. I fall to the ground with a groan holding my nose. Warm liquid trails down and onto my lips. “ow.” Ms.Thornhill quickly gasps at my fallon figure and hurriedly crouches beside me. I look at Wednesday, seeing her collecting some loose cloth, and quickly walk over to me.

She moves my hand and presses the cloth on my nose to stop the bleeding. "I'm so sorry I didn't realize you were right there." Ms.Thornhill hands shake in horror at my broken nose

I wave my hand around, shrugging off her worry.  "It's fine. I just need to relocate my nose." I make a move to grab my nose, but Wednesday smacks it away and snaps my nose back in place in one motion without blinking. She lightly rubs my nose and dapps at the leftover blood with the cloth with a caring gaze. "Thank you." I clasp my hand over her’s, secretly kissing the inside of her palm without Ms.Thornhill noticing.

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