Chapter 28

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๑⁠˙⁠❥⁠˙BROOKE ˙⁠❥⁠˙⁠๑

THAT DEVASTATINGLY TIGHT henley shirt wasn't fooling anyone.

Clay Cervantes had one mission and one mission only. To utterly destroy and annihilate her.

Yet she knew that when her mother in law Jessica Cervantes rung her cell an hour ago all in the name of dinner. The chances of him being at said dinner were like finding barnacles stuck to a shipwrecked boat and she willingly dared to show her face in front of him.

Romania happened. He'd clearly not felt a thing as he complained to whoever he was talking to that night about being stuck with her. Of it being a mistake.

And maybe showing up here was her version of trying to say she hadn't overused her dildo thinking of him in the wee hours of the nights.

That she too thought Romania was a mistake even when to her pussy it wasn't. God it wasn't.

She'd felt it that night. She'd felt him that night. No one would come close to filling her like he did.

No one would give her the same satisfaction like Clay did and there was just something about getting filled with a man's seed that turned her on.

The way he bent her over the table taking her from behind with not as much as 'a sorry or are your boobs too squished under there?' Then came the part of him ejaculating in her so much that her pussy leaked with his—

To the matter at hand, Clay's stormy blue eyes dug a hole in Bruno's face.

Not only was the question insulting but the tension was palpable enough for everyone to take the hint that Clay just didn't like Bruno.

Mispronouncing Bruno's name being a dead giveaway.

Bruno Kowalski, God bless the man, shrugged the question by a mere forced laugh.

Anjali and Ryder joined in on the conversation asking Bruno how the overly quoted 'Bruno's big comeback' in LA times had anything to do with Bite me's spin off.

Mr Black Henley Shirt on the other hand hadn't liked being ignored. He chomped on his salad like a toddler eyes not straying from her.

She was strong.

She was strong and she didn't give a fuck what he thought of her at that moment even though she had a gravely loose idea what was running in his mind.

Did she like Bruno? Did she think Bruno was better than him?

Because for Clay that was the whole point. He always wanted to be number one. Wanted to be the alpha. The one in control.

"Your co actor, the one you married in the show, you two made a cute couple. Sorry not sorry. Is there any chance that you two..."

"Dated? Yes but it turned messy. She's engaged now", Bruno answered Anjali smoothly.

"Does that answer your question brother?" Lucille clipped next to Bruno.

Brooklyn took a sip of her wine, Clay's eyes followed her. Totally ignoring everyone in the table, his eyes zeroed in on her lips, she might have been playing the 'i'm too unfazed to be affected by this man' and her lips might not have been quivering but her core dripped and whimpered.

Purposefully and calculated, those hooded eyes ran the length of her neck and she swallowed hard remembering his teeth had  bit into her skin in more ways than one.

Those lips had skimmed every inch of her. Those lidded eyes had been enough to make her come.

She was weak.

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