Chapter 22

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๑⁠˙⁠❥⁠˙BROOKE ˙⁠❥⁠˙⁠๑

"I SWEAR YOU HATE ME. I KNOW EVERYTHING HAPPENS for a reason but why? One thing after another after another, at this point I'm just trying to exist God"

"Can I get a break? Just one break? Can you give me a break?"

"And now I'm talking to a branch. Great work Brooke"

She huffed throwing her hands up in defeat.

Two days in Adairsville, Georgia and even a walk, a simple nature walk had turned into this. A disaster.

She laughed at herself along the way. Call her mental but with everything going on, she could only laugh at her situation.

She was married. Yay. Not.

And her father couldn't be any proud. He'd been so proud they were now text buddies. As frightening as that was.

And as frightening as it was waking up to see his good morning texts.

She understood everything though. This marriage meant Alistair Konstantinos being safe and mostly being connected to the wealthiest family in LA.

She turned to the sky wondering whether the Big Man really did exist and whether He did hear her prayers.

Because this was not what she prayed for.

She certainly didn't pray to marry Clay Cervantes. She certainly didn't pray to get a good blow to the face from her husband on her freaking wedding day.

Damn, it all sounded made up really. A good accidental blow to the face by the husband she hated while he was trying to punch the man she loved.

And she certainly never prayed for Clay Cervantes to show up at her doorstep after she'd forgotten he existed in the first place.

With another huff, she grabbed the rim of her dress trying to pull it from the thorny branch that had tugged at it like a maniacal hound.

At this point she wasn't even scared of the dress getting ripped if that meant her being free.

"Come on you piece of shit!"

She shouted putting both hands to work.

The dress had been caught by the thorns real good. The thought of her walking naked back to the resort flogged her mind but she shoved it back to where it came from.

She was going to be free any minute soon and if not, sure enough Callahan would find it suspicious that her nature walk had taken two fucking hours and come look for her.

The long heat that had plagued the day subdued with the falling sun and in it's stead darkness as well as the cold swarmed.

With one hard exhale and a good 'fuck you' to nature, she pulled the dress.

A rip sound echoed in the air as well as the magical sound of birds flying from the nearby trees.

Things happened so fast she barely had time to contemplate what had happened.

Her dress had ripped and her pull had been enough to send a force pushing her backwards.

She'd screamed but that didn't save her from misstepping, applying too much weight on her ankle before she fell to the ground rolling down the forsaken shallow hill the way a dumb founded dog did on the stairs.

The world turned faster by the minute, her hair swept across her face muffling her screams. Her hands, the useless things, did nothing but succumb to the inevitable and her legs, they saw more action than they had for the last two weeks.

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