Chapter Sixteen : Opera's graduation

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(Massive time-skip, two years later ,it's operas graduation so Layla took it upon herself to plan a graduation party for them)
•Opera,age 19,rank tet(9)
•kalego,age18, rank tet(9)
•shichiro, age18(just turned),rank tet(9)
•Layla,age 18 rank tet(9)
(I'm making this to be around June 23rd time so the year would be 2025)

Layla's POV

It's opera's graduation day before he leaves and properly becomes Sullivan's full time security demon. So I wanted to make sure I was there for it and plan a party for him I didn't intended to make it a surprise but because of the cercomstances I wasn't able to tell him until his graduation ceremony.

Once the ceremony was over I met opera afterwards "well done opera you deserve this" I said praising him for his hard work "thank you layla I appreciate it" he said with his ears twitching "oh kalego, I weren't expecting to see you here, what a pleasant surprise" he said after noticing kalego. "I dragged him along with me" I said as opera starts messing with kalego "g-get away from me!" Kalego yelled in fear as opera does his hand grabby things to kalego with his ears still twitching and his tail starts wagging. "Alright that's enough" I said pulling opera away from kalego, after letting go I stand next to kalego. "Anyway what we're trying to say is congratulations" I said "not we, you" kalego butted in "nope you as well because we're choosing to be respectful to the amazing demon on this special day" I said contradicting what he said "but we're not aloud to stay much longer so I'll Inform you now" I said as operas head tilded to the side slightly "I'm throwing a party for you at my place so don't forget to come around tomorrow, also sorry for not mentioning it earlier I was busy revising for the tests and you were busy with your exams and so I wasn't able to mention it to you until now" I continued as operas ears started twitching again whilst saying "thank you for your kindness, I'm very thrilled by your actions, and I'll make sure to be there, by twelve?" "Yeah twelve, well we'll be on our way now have fun" I said as I was leaving with kalego rearing to go.

The next day at 11:45 I was finishing the last minute decorations I then here someone ring the bell on the door so I look through the window to see who it was, and their stood shichiro with his parents accompanying him, I laughed to laugh a little bit before composing myself and open the door to hear shichiro speak to his parents in a grumpy way "you can leave now, come on if you don't you'll be late".once he said that his parents said their farewells and set off. "what was that about?" I said snickering to myself "they pass over here on the way to work so they desided to accompany me" he said sighing "well let's not waste time, come on in" I said opening the door giving him more room shutting it after he enters "woah, I didn't even notice how much you've grown, your like 6'5 now" I said while shocked "yeah, same with kalego" he said rubbing his neck (I know kalego is 6'0 in the anime but I made him a little taller) "well I'm going to continue with the last minute decorations, you can you go into the living area over there" I said pointing to the room to my right "kal's in there talking to my farther" I continued before shichiro thanked me and walked off into the room to greet kalego. I then get back to hanging up the banner, lifting my hand up and moving it to where I want it to go,sticking it to the wall in the rightfully intended space. I then desided to check in with the chief's in the kitchen with how it's going. "How's everything looking?" I said getting the response of "amazing! we've never been this worked in our life, it feels so exilarating" one said as the other followes "yeah, and the food is already done and dished, placed on the table in the ballroom" "thank you for all you help" I said leaving the kitchen as I head to the living area as I here someone else ring the bell on the door. "It's still ten minutes before he is going to arive, who's ringing the bell" I thought to myself as I walk up to the window moving the curtain allowing me to see though as I see around 4 of the now previous upperclassmen that were close with opera as I open the door to see what they needed "hello? Can I help you?" I said nervously "well opera told us that your holding a party for him and we were wondering if we could join" a girl to the right said as a boy to the left says "yeah and we all get along with him so you don't need to worry" "erm, yeah I don't mind, more the merrier I guess, come in" I said opening the door wider for all of them to come in and shut the door behind them as some thanked me "if you could follow me this way please" I said walking over to the living area as they looked at me and followed behind. Once I opened the door all three of them looked up at me stopping there conversation. "Apparently opera told some of his friends about the party so I aloud them to stay for the party" I said whilst opening the door to show the mesmerize young adults looking around at the house and how grand it is. "Oh well then, Wellcome, I hope you enjoy the party then" farther said as some of operas classmates thanked him. As I start speaking to opera's now old classmates "the ballroom is behind there, but we're only going to go in there once opera gets here" I said pointing to the door on the right then continued speaking "so just wait in here until then as a run around like a mad-man as I sort everything out" I said as I go into the ballroom to finish the decorations in there.

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