chapter 49

535 23 80

3 weeks later...


"Does the asshole we're trying to find happen to be a former world government scientist?" feyre asks, storming into the gym with 5 different papers in her hands.

"What?" I answered, sweat dripping into my eyes. Ikkaku drops her hand, which was curled into a fist and ready to drive right into my face.

I rub my eyes, feeling the heat pressing in now that I'm no longer distracted with the screaming banshee that likes to use me for a punching bag.

"Well, guess what? His name's Caesar Clown, ring a bell?" feyre inquires, raising a wanted poster to our faces.

"You found C.C?" My eyes light up, forgetting all about how hot and exhausted I am and I snatch the wanted poster from her hand.

"You're goddamn right, I did. Fucking freak accident too. You know how Akainu and Aokiji fought over the position of fleet admiral? They fought on an island in the new world called Punk Hazard. At first i was like, PH must be a deserted island if they fought each other to death, then i got curious where exactly punk hazard was, and BAM—"

The second the words come out of Feyre's mouth. Ikkaku's fist is flying into my stomach.

I tip over, the oxygen ripped from my lungs as pain explodes throughout my abdomen.

My eyes bug from my head, and only a wheeze escapes.

"What the hell, Ikkaku?" Feyre barks.

"We weren't done sparring," Ikkaku shrugs. "Never fool yourself into thinking you're safe, even if you're the captain."

I cough, hunched over as I turn my head and glower at the evil witch. She giggles and skips away, satisfied that she taught me a valuable lesson for the day.

I turn once again to feyre who sighs. "Anyways, punk hazard is within the borders of dressrosa. That didn't sit quite right with me, since why would an island in the beginning of the new world be deserted? Its position is strategic, it must be a centre for trade just like the sabaody archipelago or a known stop for ships and travellers who just entered the new world.." Feyre continues as I pat my face dry with a towel.

We started walking out of the gym "That was a little sus to me, so i looked further into punk hazard." her excited expression turns serious. "Log poses don't point there." She twists her wrist slowly in front of her face. "My explanation is, the island doesn't have a magnetic field. Which also didn't sit right with me. Because having an unstable magnetic field is something," she suspended her hand in front of her like she was about to shake hands with me, then moved it in the air to one side. "and not having a magnetic field is something else," she did the same with her other hand and moved it in the opposite direction. "so I looked even more into it." she clasped both hands together. "And guess what I found. Or rather who I found." Feyre took a step in front of me and paused. I love the theatrical effects she adds when she's talking about something. She's certainly growing into her older self again. She always talked animatedly, especially when she gossiped.

"3 years ago, the island was lush and full of life, there are a few navy records stating that some battleships anchored there and transported soldiers and prisoners. I was able to get a hold of some deck logs that proves that some navy ships did in fact anchor at Punk Hazard." Feyre waved a few papers in her hand as we continued walking towards my room.

"I won't even ask how you got a hold of those deck logs" I took the papers from her and shook my head in defeat.

Just like the captain's log, 'deck logs' or 'logbooks' are chronological entries documenting the daily activities of a commissioned Navy ship, unit, station, or other command.

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