chapter 38

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I tossed and turned in bed all night. I couldn't stop thinking about what ikkaku told me.

My guilt and–and whatever else it was–kept me up all night long..

I contemplated going to knock on Law's door, see how he's doing. But that might give him false hope.. I don't want him to hold his hopes high.. Then get them shattered....

But I couldn't sleep.. And I miss his little self..

I finally sighed and gave up.

I knocked slightly on his room's door, "captain?"

No answer. I tried again but still no one answered. I sighed defeatedly and headed down stairs. At least one of us was having a peaceful night.

I looked out the window of the kitchen that overlooked the backyard... and an idea shone in my head. I already couldn't sleep, might as well make use of my time. I quickly started brewing some coffee and gathering sweeteners to manage to make it drinkable.

Pulling an allnighter was a bad idea... but some things are better at night. Most things are...

I walked with my cup of coffee to the backyard, in nothing but sweatpants and a half-sleeve tank top. At the very end of the garden, between the trees, I saw it. The enchantments and glamour that hide my little greenhouse still held. As I neared the glass room that was hidden away from all sights, the metallic sting of magic caught my nose.

I took a deep breath and entered the hidden glass room.

Everything looked exactly the way I left it – probably from the magic preserving this place.

Roo built this green house for me when I was 10. With a little help from my uncle. It was at the furthest right corner of the garden. The ceiling and the 2 walls outlooking the garden were made of glass to allow the natural light in. since lighting is the most important part about painting.

Over the next few years, my uncle placed a wall of glamour over it so it'd appear as if nothing was placed there. I could see everything from the inside. But no one would be aware that there was a mini room right behind them.

It was and still is my sanctuary.

I painted through the whole night. I painted and sketched and coloured.

At some point I made a quick run to the submarine and got my sketchbook/journal.

I started looking at the last entries I made. There was a sketch of law...

That night flashed before my eyes.

He said that was the night he realised he had feelings for me...

This whole thing will eat me alive.

So I did what I always did. I held a brush and started painting.



I heard Feyre knock on my door last night. I wanted to tell her to come in.. I wanted to lay on her lap and let her take my mind off all this with her presence.

But sadly, she has been avoiding me since I confessed to her. It was a stupid move. But I just couldn't bear the thought that she might look at someone the way I want her to look at me.

I need to change her mind. I must change her mind.

The sun was already up. I got up, got ready and headed out in search of feyre.

Florence was already in the library sitting by the fireplace reading something with her big spectacles. "Good morning." she greeted without diverting her gaze from the book.

Magic Of Blood And Sea (Trafalgar Law X OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant