chapter 12

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After a few weeks....

We arrived at a new island.

Finally, we were granted permission to explore it. Not that there was much to explore anyway

"I need some more white paint!" Feyre shouted from her room, addressing sachi who was about to leave.

"Why don't you come with us feyre-san!" he shouted back.

"I promised Ben I'd help him restock the pantry!"

"Ok, i'll get it for you, we'll go out another time!" sachi finished.

"If you're going to have a full on going conversation, at least do it when you're in the same room" law appeared from his room visibly pissed about the shouting.

The echoing in the sub was a real pain in the ass.

"Sorry captain" sachi rubbed the nape of his neck.

"Don't cause trouble" law ordered.

"Aye aye captain!" sachi and the others saluted before disappearing into the main deck.

Law decided to check what feyre was up to, since she was the first person to leave the ship when there was any sign of land.

Clearly she didn't enjoy closed places.

Law leaned onto the threshold of her door, just like the other day... except feyre was on a ladder with paint all over her face and hands.

She was finishing the celestial mapping she was talking about.

She spared law a look waiting for him to state the reason for his visit.

But law looked back at her, still observing the ceiling. It was an effort for Feyre not to roll her eyes.

"I think you should consider sleeping a little more" she finally decided to break the silence. "Coffee isn't good for you, you know" she continued flecking the ceiling with strokes of paint.

"Ah, so you're worried about me feyre-ya" Law smirked.

Feyre rolled her eyes, "I already told you, your death would be a minor inconvenience. Plus my crewmates really like you... it would break their hearts if something happened to you"

There was a moment of silence.

"I'm sorry about that night"

Feyre's hand froze, then she tried to get down the ladder to process the shock.


But unfortunately for her.... She stumbled and fell face first on the bed.

Law let out an exaggerated sigh. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!" She was wide eyed.

"I'm not saying it again"



"That's not an insult," she smirked.

"Oh I know" law smirked back.

He was getting on her nerves again.

Sachi and penguin were keeping a close eye on them, ever since their Their captain was spending a lot more time outside his room than he used to. And then there was the time when they studied together..... Holding back the insults. Like civilised humans.

Alot happened over the last few months ever since feyre joined. Law wasn't as tense around her as he was at first, in fact their relationship turned from insult-hate to flirting-teasing at some point. Everyone noticed it... noticed that something changed between them since the incident with the marines. But no one dared ask. The crew were happy that they finally found things in common. Medicine, killing themselves in the gym, little sleep, sarcasm, their strive for perfection...

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