chapter 48

567 24 32

2 weeks later...


After the incident with the glass, we've all been keeping a very close eye on feyre. She tried cutting herself. On purpose.

When I heard the way she talked to ikkaku, I froze. My brain couldn't process what she was saying.

They raped her.

They. raped. Her.

Raped her.


My Feyre.

It wasn't one man. But many.

Many men took turns on her.

Knowing it in the back of your mind is something.

But hearing it and confirming all the scenarios in your head is something else.

My hands were itching to kill. No matter how many hours I killed myself in the gym, or how many times I punched the sandbag, the only image that plagues my mind these days is Feyre on the ground trying to kill herself. Her screams haunt me every night.


I need names.

That's the only thing stopping me from marching into the nearest navy headquarters and busting all of their heads.

Usually, when I finish exercising, I feel all the tension release from my body. It's so rare not to be strung tight that when my muscles are loose and languid, it's fucking orgasmic. Another reason why I'm addicted to Feyre and all the ways I melt beneath her fingertips.

New aspects of my personality that I didn't know existed, surface when we're together. She just makes everything become... slower. I don't need to be thinking about the crew, the new world or Doflamingo or any of my responsibilities when we're together. My brain just relaxes.

The way she talks and describes things is enough to keep me hooked for hours because it's simply spectacular. Her attention to details makes me wonder, what's it like to view the world from her lens.. Will I feel things the way she does? Would food taste the same way it did in my childhood? Will summer feel like the summer of 12 years ago? Would I make time for myself to do the things I would actually enjoy... maybe I'd find a hobby other than torturing people...

Maybe then I'd enjoy all the little details of life. The sun on my skin. How good showering at night feels. Clean bedsheets. Damp hair on a spring night.

Now I believe life is about the little pleasures as Feyre said.

The thing is, Feyre doesn't seem to remember what happened. And if she does, she doesn't let on.

Right now, she's sitting in the galley working her brain gears to find out who could possibly be making the Smiles.

She started profiling most of the known scientists and big brained pirates in the world.

Feyre is so convinced the scientist we are searching for is an outlaw.

But I think it could be anyone. This world is filled with men who claim to be honourable but do the dirtiest shit behind the scenes.

But again, I trust her sixth sense. It's proven many times that it's effective.

"I've combed through the science and technologies section in the newspapers of the last ten years. All those scientists aren't even worth mentioning. They seem far too.... I don't know, they seem like men of law, they don't look like people who would work with a pirate illegally." Feyre concludes when I plop on the couch next to her.

Magic Of Blood And Sea (Trafalgar Law X OC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن