Chapter 11

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After finishing her breakfast, Feyre settled in at the dining table, her attention focused on the newspaper she held in her hands. As she read, her expression shifted from curiosity to intrigue, absorbed in whatever article she had stumbled upon. She sipped tea from a mug in her other hand, lost in thought.

"Yo, Feyre-san, what are you reading that got your face looking like that?" Clione's shout from the other side of the room interrupted her concentration. Feyre looked up at him, "Well, there's this article about birth control." She averted her eyes back to the newspaper.

"Huh??" Clione was naturally skeptical. Why would they write about freaking birth control in the newspapers?

Obviously Feyre read the sections of the newspaper regarding medicine and the latest updates in the field.

"You see it's not just any birth control pill ... it's for men." she implied.

"Ok, ok, ok, how's that even possible?" Clione started laughing.

The door to the dining area burst open and Trafalgar strode in, clearly annoyed by the noise. He just woke up apparently. "What are you two talking so loudly about?" Feyre and Clione exchanged a knowing glance, since any sound would echo loudly throughout the whole metal submarine.

"Well, yours truly came across an article saying that male birth control is gonna be a thing." Feyre fluttered her lashes at his disgusted face. Clearly this isn't the best time to talk about this topic when someone's still rubbing the sleep from their eyes, she laughed internally.

"There's no such thing." was all the Surgeon said before he strode to the kitchen doors.

"We almost had that pill four years ago," She continued with a smug smile plastered to her face.

Trafalgar stood in front of the door with one hand on it and half-turned to face her. "And why don't we have it yet, Feyre-ya?" He was clearly belittling her mind right now and talking to her in a manner she would understand ... how one would talk to a little child telling them there were aliens on the moon. Everyone knows there are no aliens on the moon but they act like they believe them.

Feyre felt truly offended by it.

She rolled her eyes. "The trials on the pill had to be scrapped ... because men experienced severe side effects." Feyre just had to say that dramatically while waving her hands.

"Like what?" Clione asked. Trafalgar only scoffed and got into the kitchen to heat some coffee. Obviously.

"Like severe acne, depression, mood swings—" She continued talking loudly so her Captain could hear her from the kitchen.

"Sounds kinda familiar, doesn't it?" She raised a brow at Clione.

Trafalgar then emerged from the kitchen and crossed his arms in front of the kitchen door.

She looked at him and continued, "Imagine having to take something like that and having those kinds of side effects ... I mean it just doesn't sound fair, does it?" She got up from her chair with the now empty mug in her hand and walked towards the kitchen.

"I mean why put themselves through that much just to not have a kid? Stupid, isn't it?" That sentence was loaded with sarcasm. Then Feyre laughed evilly.

A shiver ran down Clione's back while the Surgeon looked at her with half closed, unamused eyes.

Feyre whipped around and pointed a finger at Clione. "Yeah, this pill better work."

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