chapter 19

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The next morning law opened his eyes to a silver and golden ceiling.

He spent the night at Feyre's room. Just like the last time, his head was on her lap, but they weren't on the floor this time, they were on the bed, Feyre was cuddling a pillow as she slept with her back to the wall as law made himself comfortable on her lap.

He didn't remember how they got like this or when he dozed to sleep, but he didn't try any further since his head was going to explode.

He got up and covered feyre in a blanket before he left to the galley.

It was 9:30 am, so everyone was already done with breakfast.

Law dragged himself to the kitchen to find Ben doing the dishes.

"I knew you'd be feeling bad in the morning, capt'n. Here, this'll help. But eat somethin first '' Ben said when he saw law rummaging in the cabinets for something. Probably coffee.

He slid law a medicine tab - probably pain killers - and a plate of food.

Law didn't argue and ate the food since he knew he wasn't supposed to take any medication on an empty stomach.

Ben resumed doing the dishes when his captain started eating on the counter behind him.

"Feyre-ya ate yesterday," law said between bites.

Ben almost dropped the cup he held, "She did! What did she eat!"

He'll make it every single day if that means she'll put it in her mouth.


Ben blinked, "that's it?" it wasn't much but... at least she ate. This gave the cook a glimpse of hope.

Law pushed the food on his plate, "she's sleeping right now, when she wakes up try giving her anything with strawberries in it. Maybe she'll eat it" he put a final spoon in his mouth and popped the medicine on his hand, then swallowed it in one gulp.

"I will, don't worry." Ben said in a cheerful voice. He was relieved. He started gathering ingredients to make anything that said 'strawberry' in its recipe.

Law was still leaning against the counter with narrowed brows.. He was snapped out of his thoughts when Ben accidentally dropped a pot causing it to make a loud sound.

"Sorry capt'n" the chef apologised.

Law was still focused on the floor "Everything happens on a mental level... before it manifests on a physical level..."

Ben stopped rummaging through the drawers and turned to his captain, confusion written on his face.

"She once told me... that she reached a cliff hanger once in her life... and–" law looked thoughtful for a moment.

"She said that she pulled herself out of it..." the captain finally raised his eyes to meet Ben's.

Ben placed a hand under his chin, "how'd she do it?"

"That day I decided to live. To create art. To read...." Feyre's words rang in his eyes..

"And why do I want that?...I want to live and feel all the shades, tones and variations of mental and physical experience possible in life."

Ben stayed silent, knowing his captain was digging deep in his memory to find the solution..

Law's brows eased into a relaxed position, "By doing things she like.."

"Feyre-ya could live a life on nothing but strawberries, that's why her subconscious mind recognised their scent and actually made her eat them.. There are things that connect her to this world and..... Resonate deeply inside her.."

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