Chapter 36

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  The big day had come. The hour of the eclipse was approaching, and the four of us gathered in the great hall.

  I told the others to stay in their rooms so as not to disturb the spell, I also told them our plan and they were happy to hear this news.

  We were looking out the window and it was already getting dark outside. Karina was starting to feel her powers grow, and Caleb and I joined hands.

  Unconsciously, the image of a new world came to my mind, which seemed to be the perfect world for me.

  Karina began to float, overwhelmed by all the magical power coursing through her body, and she told us that when she will do the spell, our energies will merge and he would feel and see what I felt and saw.

  She began to say the incantation, louder and more intense. I had begun to feel that Caleb and I were one and the same being.

  Consciousness had left my body and I was in another place, very wet and dark. Caleb was next to me, holding my hand.

  Suddenly, my parents appeared in their natural forms. Mom, a sexy and attractive demon and Dad, a glowing angel with huge glowing wings.

  I realized they weren't really there, their consciousness was. They looked at us and smiled, and then they put their hands together too.

  Suddenly, two necklaces were revealed, one around each of their necks, and they took them off and put them on us.

  - We had our chance and we didn't succeed, said Melina. You are made for this!

  The moment our necklaces were put on we hugged and they merged and lit up that place.

  - This is your new world, said my father.

  All this while, Karina was drained of energy, but continued to say the incantation.

  The energy was so great that even the Council felt it, who surrounded the building but could not enter.

  The fact was done, no one could stop us. But something unexpected had happened: my mother told me that this was the greatest sacrifice they had ever made, and then she began to decompose, turning into ashes.

   My father hugged me and told me he was proud of me, then turned to stardust, right in my arms. I realized that they had been discovered and executed, but I could not abandon the plan.

  They gave their lives for it and I wasn't going to stop.

  At one point, the two necklaces returned, floating in the air, and turned into two crown-shaped auras on our heads.

  That place was exactly as Caleb and I imagined it to be. There was a lot of green fields, the houses were rustic and there was a mystical air.

  In the distance we saw a bright light and headed towards it. There was a huge sign with certain percentages on it and a sign next to the 80% percentage.

  Below, very small writing warned us that the place was maintained by people's beliefs. Coming from the world of normal people, our world depended on them.

  It also said that when the sign shows 0%, our world will be destroyed and all beings there will return to their true form. Once we settled there, we were all to have human appearance.

  Behind that sign we discovered a portal that took us back to the human world and we returned to give the great news to the others as well.

  The moment we went through the portal Karina collapsed, and we noticed that many Council members were trying to enter the building, getting seriously injured in the shield that surrounded it.

  I ran up the stairs, left and right, shouting to the others to come into the great hall.

  One by one they all went through the portal, and I took Karina in my arms and went through with her.

  Everyone had chosen a house, they had settled in and were very happy to be free, finally, to feel the sun on their skin, to feel the grass under their feet.

  Caleb and I had our own little castle on the highest hill where we could see everything. We had no servants, because we were all equal there, and the castle gates were not closed either.

  I gave them a few days to settle in, then called a meeting. I didn't want to disturb the peace and joy of others, but I needed some ground rules to keep this dimension functional.

  I discussed it with Caleb and agreed on the following rules:

   << We are all equal, there are no differences. >>

   << We can't expose ourselves too much in the human world because we're still being hunted by the Council, but we have to spread myths and legends to keep people's belief in the supernatural alive. >>

    << No member of the Shadow Council is welcome here. >>

  We expected there to be Council members who disagreed with their community's rules, but we couldn't risk spies infiltrating our world.

  There are three simple rules that had to be strictly followed, and all the residents agreed.

  In the following years, our small world prospered and became more and more populous.

  Caty and Karina were going to the human world and helping others like us get through the shield of the building that housed the portal.

  Everything was going according to the plan, everyone was happy and there were no major problems.

  But, as expected, not all could be well forever. But that's a story for another time.

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