Chapter 2

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  When the police arrived, I told them that I saw a thief going around the house, I alerted my parents and they told me to hide.

  After I wrote a statement about it I let them do their thing and I went to the back of the house where it was quieter and tried to remember what I had just done.

  Walking through the garden of the house, I noticed the red roses planted with love by my mother, and I got nostalgic.

  I remembered the day she bought the first seeds, how happy she was. She loved flowers so much and I loved to see her smile so when she planted her flowers I would take a blanket, lay it next to her and play with the dolls.

  I idolized my mother, and when I remembered how that monster killed her, I felt no guilt for what I had done.

  In a way I felt guilty because it all started because of me, but I consoled myself with the fact that I didn't know he would react like this. He was never violent with me or with my mother!

  I went back to the house and noticed that the two bodies were gone, they were taken by the forensics. Without wanting to, I overheard a conversation between two policemen:

  - What kind of crime is this? The man has scratches and his death seems to have been caused by them! said one of them.

  - I don't know, maybe the werewolves passed by! said the other jokingly.

  - You need to stop watching werewolf movies. What do you think, should we take their daughter to the station, question her?

  - You just don't think she did it, do you? If she's not suspicious I say let her rest tonight and call her tomorrow morning. It's late and she just lost her parents! I think it's a big shock for her.

  Scratch marks? That's all I was thinking. What does this mean? I don't think I could kill him with my little fingernails, cut to the flesh.

  Everyone had left. The police told me that I could clean the house because they collected all the necessary evidence.

  I stood alone in front of the door looking at all the blood in the house but I wasn't in the mood to clean up so I called my best friend Caty. I didn't think she would help me clean, but at least I had someone by my side, I didn't feel so alone anymore.

  I had known Caty since 4th grade at school, when she defended me from a mean girl who was always bullying me. She is a tall, blonde girl with green eyes and large, plump lips, and she had a naturally lithe figure.

  She had never been on a diet. All the boys liked her and she knew it and took full advantage of it.

  Every time we met she told me about her love life and I was a good listener, even though I knew absolutely nothing about the subject.

  I was the kind of girl who focused more on school, that's why I never thought about getting a boyfriend, I thought it was a waste of time. I knew I could always count on Caty, that she was reliable.

  That night I needed her more than ever. So I called her and asked her to come to my house as soon as possible. She wasn't far from me, so she was at my place in a maximum of ten minutes. She didn't seem too scared by all the blood in the house.

  - Do you want me to help you clean up all this blood or are we going to stare at each other all night? she asked jokingly to lighten the mood.

  - Why aren't you shocked by what you see? I asked her, visibly surprised by her calmness.

  - I've seen a lot of horror movies, I'm used to it. Besides, my dream is to become a forensic scientist, remember? I shouldn't be scared of a little blood. Let's deal with what we have to deal with here and then we go to my house and relax a little. I'm not even thinking about leaving you here tonight!

  - First I have to tell you something. I know you are trustworthy and you won't tell anyone and if I don't talk to someone I feel like my head is going to explode. I was, I killed them! Actually, dad killed mom and I went out of my mind and killed him, I don't know how. I don't remember anything that happened at that moment, I just know that I woke up covered in blood and they were both dead on the floor.

  I could see how Caty was starting to panic, but she was trying her best to hide it so she wouldn't upset me more than I already was.

  - It's okay, we'll see how we solve this too, stay calm.

  After about twenty minutes, Caty got a call and went outside to answer it. In the stillness of the night I could hear her talking and I was shocked by what I heard.

  - Eva killed her parents! I told you there's no easy way to find out about it unless we tell her!

  After a short pause, listening to the other's answer, she continued:

  - I'll tell her tonight. Yes, I'll be careful, she can't hurt me too, have you forgotten? Tomorrow morning we will be at the Brotherhood.

  I was dumbfounded and eager to learn more, although I knew she would tell me everything that night, I just had to be patient.

  After hanging up the phone, she came back into the house:

  - I'm sorry, my parents are very worried when I stay home alone.

  - Is that so? Sorry for being sarcastic and acting like a spoiled little child, but I overheard the conversation and I can't wait to hear what you have to say. Who am I? What am I? What is happening to me?

  - If you heard then you know that I will explain everything to you tonight, but first I need you to calm down, okay? When we get to my house I promise we will talk about all these things.

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