Chapter 17

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  Two hours had already passed, and Caleb appeared in the office:

  -Good morning! What happened, you can't sleep? By the books lined up, I'd say you've been here for a few hours.

  -After all the searching yesterday, strange things started happening. This Melina, I feel a connection with her and want to know more about her.

  I told him about my dream, and he thought for a while, then went and got another history book, different from the one I was flipping through.

  - I know for sure I read about her once, said Caleb. I think it's here. Look!

  He handed me the book and I started reading.

  There was the story of the Council revolution. It was said that the names of the two who started the rebellion were Melina and Rafael. However, no one knew for sure. All those who rebelled were executed or exiled without being able to return, so there was no one left to say for sure.

  - Well, let's say that this information is correct, I said. What do I have to do with all these things? What is my connection to this woman?

  -Didn't Karina also say that you are a special person? You have cast a spell that requires help from the two great forces. I don't know, I’m just saying, maybe you are their child. Rafael was an angel and Melina, princess of hell.

  - It's not possible, I don't think so. Look, it says here that several angels fell in love with demons and vice versa. Maybe it's a coincidence. After this mission I would like to take care of this, I would like to find out who my parents are.

  -Or maybe you have demon blood, that's why you have a connection with one of the demon princesses.

   -Maybe you are right. What about prophecy? Karina also said that I am the one from the prophecy. That means I should also have a connection to the angelic world.

  -Caty is defending you, isn't she? If she is capable of loving you, as we all actually do, perhaps her ancestors saw a lot of potential in you.

  -Yeah, maybe.

  At that moment he put the books on the desk and sat down next to me on the floor. He took me in his arms and said:

  -Until the others come, I want to spend some time with you. Don't worry and don't stress, everything will be fine. I will always be by your side.

  I felt very good in his arms. I smiled, closed my eyes and relaxed.

  It was so nice, I felt so peaceful when I lay my head on his chest. I never thought that I would ever lose him, I had no idea how much I would miss him one day.

  I was enjoying the present, savoring the moment, that is until the other girls came and interrupted our moment of romance. I let them enjoy their coffee and during that time I told them about my dream. I needed more opinions.

  -You know what? I think she's your mother, Karina said. Besides, I'm part demon too and she never showed herself to me.

  -Hey, don't fill her head with nonsense! Caleb said. She doesn't need any more stress now.

  -Caleb is right, Caty said. It's good you had that dream though. Now you have created a much closer bond with that creature and because of you it will cooperate better with us. Let's get down to business! We don’t know, maybe the Council has already learned about the weapon that can be used against us.

  Said and done! After drinking our coffees we returned to the desert to check on the creature and on this occasion we decided to look for the first eye in the Nile River.

  It was the closest point to us at the time. The creature was fine, but the demon outside didn't look too good. Karina forced him to tell her what happened, and he told her that he fought the demons all night trying to get hold of the basilisk.

  Then he begged her to release him. I felt sorry for him and told Karina that now we can take the basilisk with us, that we don't need the demon anymore.

  She freed him from her spell, but sent him to where he belongs, in hell.

  Eventually we reached the river, but we had no idea where to look first. The river was big and we had to move fast.

  We all began to search through the water and on the shore, knowing from Karina that the eye should look like a sapphire.

  It took us a while to search, we had to be very careful not to pass over it. After about three hours, Caty found it somewhere on the shore, and Karina came to check if it was emitting magical energy.

  Fortunately, that was our sapphire. To be absolutely sure, I took it to the basilisk and asked him if that was his eye. When he took it and put it in place of the scar, it turned into a real eye.

  The creature was so glad to finally be able to see that it turned its gaze towards me for the first time.

  Remembering that his stare kills, I immediately turned my gaze in the opposite direction, and Caleb said:

  -Hey, hey, you said you won't hurt us!

  -Don’t worry, I need both eyes to reactivate my powers, said the creature, changing the direction of its gaze towards him.

  Then he turned back to me, saying:

  - You are not Melina! How come her blood runs through your veins?

  -Can you feel it? I asked him. It means I might be her daughter.

  -It is not possible! I can also feel the angelic blood running through your veins, and my Melina would never mess with those naive creatures. She despised them. She was above anyone and any creature.

  - Then you have another hypothesis? Because I can't think of anything else.

  -I don't know, but we have to find her and ask her. I haven't seen or felt her in a long time.

  -We have more important things to do now. You promised us your help, and we expect you to keep your promise.

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