Chapter 12

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  After discussing all the details of the plan, I felt the need to talk to Caty, so I invited her out for a drink in town.

  It was a little risky to get out of the building, but we figured the Council wouldn't attack in the middle of people. I wanted to be just the two of us, without anyone hearing us, and I felt the need to get out of that atmosphere a bit.

  -I plucked up the courage and talked to Caleb this morning, I started the conversation after ordering the drinks.


  - I asked him why he wasn't looking at me. And then when he looked up, I expected to see hate or indifference, but I saw a lot of love in his eyes. It's weird! You could see he was feeling something but he didn't want to admit it. Or maybe he didn't feel something for me, but for someone else? He told me we didn't need anything to distract us from the plan. I know you have more experience in this area and I could use some advice.

  - Do you want my honest advice? Do not give up! Have a little patience and let things work themselves out. I promise it will be fine.

  -How can you be so sure, though? I think you know something and you're hiding it from me.

  - I told you before, I can't tell you these things, you'll have to discover them yourself. You just have to be patient and not lose hope.

  - I don't think I can do this... Caty, I've become a bad person. I think when I removed my feelings for Caleb, or at least when I tried to, I actually removed all my good attributes. I feel a strange pleasure when I do harm and I don't know how to handle it.

  -You are not a bad person. Every person in this world has a good side and a bad side. This is the human part inside of us all. We grew up among humans and are very similar to them. All you have to do is explore your dark side too, become aware of it, accept it, and then you will be able to control it. In some situations this dark side will also help you a lot. Let's go back to the Brotherhood and talk to Karina, she will know how to help you.

  -Wait, I hope you won't tell her about Caleb!

  -Do you really think I would do that? I know this information is very private and I won't tell anyone, don't worry.

  After this discussion I felt a little better. I thought I lost all my feelings about Caleb, but I actually buried them and that morning when I saw him, they came to the surface.

  It's true what they say, that hope dies last. But at the same time I was planning to let it go with the flow, not make a big deal out of it, just follow Caty's advice and let things happen.

  I thought I had a lot to learn about this world but I didn't even know myself, and that was the biggest problem. I learned about this world, I discovered my inner strength, but I knew nothing about my soul, and I planned to make that a priority from that day forward.

  Being buried in all these thoughts, I didn't even realize when I got back. On the way out of town, Caty told the taxi driver to pull over, poked me to wake me up, and got out.

  We waited a moment for him to leave, then slipped into our little abandoned factory unobserved.

  In the main hall was the very person I was looking for, Karina. Caty whispered to her to follow us into my room. I didn't know how to start the conversation, so I let Caty do the talking:

  -Karina, we really need your help. Actually, Eva has.

  -And I assume you want it to be confidential, since you called me here.

  -Exactly! I need you to help Eva become a whole. I mean, she has issues with her dark side and is afraid that it will take over at some point. You know, I need you to do that meditation thing and maybe help her with a little magic.

  - Only I can't do anything with magic. She must have a will and do what I say. Are you ready? Do you feel ready? Karina asked me, turning her gaze towards me.

  -Yeah sure! The sooner, the better.

  -There's one more problem: Caleb wants us to go on a mission tomorrow morning, so we'll have to talk to him about postponing it for a few days. Caty, can you talk to him?

  - I will try to talk to him but he will surely refuse. So you will have to hurry and solve it as soon as possible.

  -In three days there will be a full moon, until then we will meditate and prepare for the ritual, so we need at least three days. If necessary, tell him the truth. And also tell him that Eva won't be of much use if we don't do this.

  -Okay, I'll talk to him. You do what you have to do.

  Caty left and Karina invited me to her room. She said it was better to do it there, being in her environment and surrounded by the things we needed.

  We got there, and she brought a big, old, thick book. She opened it exactly to the page she needed, which impressed me.

  I was always amazed by magic, except when it would be very boring.

  She handed me the book and told me that I had to memorize a certain mantra. After I memorized it, she told me that we would both have to meditate for an hour a day, saying that mantra. She said this would help me create a connection between my two inner powers, good and evil.

  At first I was skeptical. I found it very boring. Karina sensed this and told me that if I didn't cooperate, it wouldn't work. I decided to listen to her, after all she knew better what she was doing.

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