Chapter 7

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  The next morning I woke up early and left for the Brotherhood. The weather was so nice that I could just walk, instead of taking a ride.

  But I had much more important things to do, so I hurried to the secret location.

  I was very excited and couldn't wait to meet all my colleagues and discover more about myself.

  I grabbed a coffee and spotted Karina sitting in the large computer room next to Caleb.

  When I saw him I was already lost, I didn't know what to do anymore, so I invited Caty to join them. That way I could spend more time with my new friend and admire Caleb at the same time.

  While all our colleagues were waiting, the three people next to me were discussing technical things, about armor and weapons and projected them into holograms so they could better see the end result.

  I, as expected, was only looking at Caleb and in the 30 minutes until everyone arrived, he completely ignored me, as if I wasn't even there.

  I was trying to comfort myself by telling myself in my mind that maybe he was too focused on his work and that's why he didn't notice me. After all, I wasn't doing anything to get noticed either, I had no idea about that topic the three were talking about.

  In the end, all the colleagues arrived, there were around 30 in number, and we all gathered in the training room.

  As they stepped one by one into the specially set up areas with mannequins, Caty told me their stories.

  Some of then took the powers of only one parent, and others, very few in number, were a combination of their parents. There were also some who took the powers of one parent, but also had certain characteristics from the other one.
  For example, Karina's mother had innocent white magic powers that she could not harm any creature with. If she was in danger she could only defend herself, at most using the power of karma, without doing direct harm, however.

  She fell in love with a very old and strong vampire, at the same time very handsome, and from this union resulted Karina, who could summon demons to amplify her powers. Her mother's magic turned into black magic, but some properties of white magic can also be used.

  I had seen all my classmates show off their special abilities, but Caleb didn't show what he could do. He stood on the sidelines and made sure everything went smoothly and safely.

  I was the last one, because I kept procrastinating when it was my turn. Being the only one left, I had nowhere to go and I had to do this. I was very emotional and stressed because the last time I had done this something terrible had happened.

  I walked into the center of the special circle and threw a concerned look at Caty who was sitting next to Caleb. She signaled that everything was fine, but my concern didn't go away.

  As soon as he saw that I wasn't calming down, Caleb came to me, without going beyond the circle:

  -Hey, don't worry, everything will be fine! he told me with a big warm smile. See the circle you're in? If things get out of hand I can press a button and a shield will go up around you. You are here to discover and explore your inner strength and we are here to help you. Do you want me to activate the shield now? Would it make you feel better?

  -Yes please! I would be much calmer! I told him, with visible relief on my face. I still have no idea what will happen next and I don't want to hurt anyone.

  -Before that, I want you to relax a little. Everything will be fine! When you will transform, you will have to accept yourself as you are, merge with the two extremes, the good and the bad within you. Empty your mind and let your inner strength come to the surface.

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