Chapter 3

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  In the end we finished the cleaning, which took us about two hours.

  I locked the door and headed to my friend's house. I could see her nervous, she was avoiding having that discussion, but she knew there was no way back.

   I arrived at her house quite quickly, I was walking with fast steps to get there as quickly as possible. She told me she was making a coffee and asked me if I wanted one too.

  -Sure, it was a very long day for me. I could really use a coffee, but don't forget you have some explaining to do.

  - I know, don't worry. But first I want us to relax a little and maybe I can find my words by then.

  I was starting to panic more and more, seeing her so nervous. What could be so bad? I was eager to see what she had to say, eager to learn more about my origins and perhaps what had happened that night.

  From the kitchen I could smell the pleasant smell of freshly brewed coffee, which calmed me down a bit. I really needed that coffee and Caty always knew what I needed.

   We sat at a table on the porch of the house, outside, in the fresh air. I was looking at her and she seemed hesitant to start the conversation.

  After a few moments she starts:

  -First of all, I want to tell you that I hid many things from you, but after you listen to what I have to say, you will see the reason. Those people are not your real parents. They are simple people who tried for a long time to have children and failed. One day they heard the doorbell and when they went to open it, no one was there. When they looked down they saw a basket with a baby in it, and next to it was a note saying to take good care of it. They felt that a miracle had just happened in their lives, so they did not hesitate and went to the town hall. There they said that you are their child and that the woman gave birth at home.

  -Okay, I can accept that. Now I don't have that heavy conscience anymore knowing that I didn't kill my real parents. But now I emphasize "killed". Do you know more about it? Do you know what happened? How could I do this with my bare hands? Dad, I mean that man was a mountain of a man, he couldn't be brought down that easily.

  -Now comes the weirdest part... You know those movies with supernatural beings we used to watch? All of them  are true. I am part of a group, we call it the "Brotherhood of the Renegades". There are all the descendants of the supernatural beings who broke the rules of the Council and were cast out.

  -Council? Okay, you have to tell me everything, clearly I know absolutely nothing about this.

  -I'll tell you tomorrow on the way to the Brotherhood, now we have to rest. I bet you are very tired.

  -Why do I have to go there too? And you still haven't answered the most important question: what am I?

  -All I know is that you too are part of this hidden face of the world, and now that you have discovered this, you are in danger. You are a special person, you have a special destiny and that's why I have to take you where you belong.

  -One more question and after that I promise to wait until tomorrow morning: you... what are you? I asked, a little scared of the answer I was going to get.

  - I am your guardian angel, my dear! Now go to bed, tomorrow will be another long day.

  Her answer calmed me down a bit. I expected her to say that she is some creature that could harm me, but I think the best thing is that she is an angel. Not only she will not harm me, but I know she will protect me from possible danger.

   The thought that she could be some evil being was foolish because I have known her all my life and she is the nicest person in the world, she could not harm even an ant.

  With all these thoughts in my mind, that night I could not sleep. All the information I received that night blew my mind. And Caty, my guardian angel? That's probably why we didn't get into trouble much, she protected me, plus she was a good influence most of the time.

  I was sitting and thinking about all the things that had happened in these 16 years of my life and trying to find connections to what I had just learned.

  Some things made sense. I loved movies, stories and legends about supernatural beings, so I was a little excited that they existed. I was also scared because many of these beings were not exactly good, some were even extremely dangerous. But to be one of these beings myself? Well, that was a thought that was a little harder to get used to.

  And one more thing is bothering me, probably insignificant: in all the stories and movies, people found out about this when they turned 18, and I'm 16. Why now? Perhaps this was not exactly true, not everything we saw in the movies was true.

  I finally fell asleep with all this information and questions in my mind.

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