Chapter 25

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- I'm very sorry to hear what you went through, I told them. But here you are safe, you can explore your powers and you will learn to control them. I understand you and I am with you.

-How can you understand us? You haven't been through anything like this, you don't know what it's like, said the girl.

-Do you want me to tell you a secret? I asked them, approaching them. I too found out in a terrible way that I am special. Before that I was a very good, obedient child with very good results in school...

And so I began to tell them my story. About the terrible crime that night, about the confusion that lasted for a long time, about the fact that it took me a long time to settle, and so on.

Upon hearing this story, they both apologized for being mean earlier, and I told them that it was no problem and that I totally understood what they were going through.

I found them a room, led them there and gave them a few moments to settle in, telling them I'd be waiting for them in the great hall when they were ready.

Admittedly, I also needed a few moments to mentally prepare for the big meeting.

It was a little hard for me to do that because after six months of not socializing at all, at that point I had to speak in front of everyone.

Caty and Karina had already gone to announce the big meeting so I didn't think too much and went to the great hall. When I got there everyone was already gathered and they were very happy to see me.

I knew quite well that they all cared about me, and when I saw them so happy that I am there in front of them, I began to feel stupid for leaving them alone for so long.

From left and right I could only hear words like: "We are glad to see you!" or "How good you look!", which took away some of the emotions that were overwhelming me.

The night before, in my dream, I hatched a plan with Caleb that I didn't even tell my best friends about. That was, in fact, the real reason of my concern.

It was a very bold and very risky plan.

I wasn't sure everyone would accept it. And if they did, we couldn't guarantee that we would win.

With these fears in mind, I began to speak to them:

-First of all I want to thank you for all your support and I want to apologize for leaving you behind all this time. However, I know that I have left you in good hands and I know that you have made great progress. Now, I come with a proposal, and I would be very pleased to know what you think: given the fact that you have made major progress, I think it is time to act, to finally stand up for our rights.

Everyone understood what I was talking about and I could hear many noises of amazement, but also many of approval.

Caty looked at me scared and said, more in a whisper:

-Have you lost your mind? Are you suggesting we attack the Council now?

As if I didn't even hear her, I continued the speech:

-I know many of you are scared, but we've been training a lot and I think it's time to act. If we continue to postpone this battle indefinitely we will achieve nothing ever, because we will never agree that it is time to act.

From somewhere behind the crowd was heard:

-Are you saying we should attack them directly? We are vastly outnumbered, it's pure suicide!

-Not exactly, I said. We are outnumbered, but not by much. Have you ever heard of communities like ours anywhere in the world?

- No, I don't think I've heard it before, they all started whispering.

-Well, do you think we are the only ones in this situation? The revolution happened all over the world, not just in our little town. We'll have to look for these communities, because I'm sure the others haven't heard of us either. First of all, I'm not even planning a direct attack. I would like to resolve this situation with as little bloodshed as possible. But as we are 90% sure that those in the Council will not negotiate, we will have to have reinforcements.

-And do you have any idea how we will look for these communities? another voice was heard.

- I don't have the slightest idea, I answered. That's exactly why I want you to come with plans, suggestions, ideas, anything that could help us.

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