Chapter 33

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  When they heard about the new couple, Caty and Karina wanted to tell the girl that I was his soul mate, but I made them swear not to.

  After all, maybe he really did like her, and hearing that she broke up with him because of me, he might start to hate me. And if he started to hate me, I really had no chance with him.

  I spent my evenings with Caty, I couldn't stand being alone anymore.

  Especially since I have a rich imagination, I was always thinking about Caleb and what he was doing with that girl and I was hurting myself.

  Being with my best friend, she always knew how to make me feel better, to get me out of those horrible thoughts.

  All this time I was avoiding Melina. Somehow, in the depths of my soul, I believed that she was to blame for what had happened, and I was showing selfishness, once again, when I thought that it was better for him to stay in the kingdom of hell and knowing that he loves me, more than being free literally and figuratively.

  I think in my mind I was somehow justifying my selfishness because I didn't feel guilty for thinking that way.

  Melina stayed by my side for a long time and noticed my moods. She knew our story, she knew how much I was hurting, but every time she tried to talk to me I dismissed her, ignored her.

  One morning she herself came and brought me breakfast in bed. I couldn't kick her out, I didn't want to be that mean, but I wasn't in the mood to talk to her either.

  Knowing that at that moment there was no way I could ignore her, I thought I'd make an exception. She put the breakfast tray on the bedside table and sat on the bed next to me:

  -Evelina, my dear, how big and beautiful you are! she said, running her hand through my hair. Do you want me to tell you a story? About how I named you Evelina?

  I didn't say anything, I just looked at her.

  -I never thought in my life that it was possible for a demon to love an angel as much as I loved your father. Those beings are disgusting to us, but he and I were soul mates. When we saw each other for the last time, I knew I would never see him again. I felt that I had done a lot of harm, but I also could not give up this life because I had you in my womb. The whole time I was on the run before I gave birth to you I wanted you to be like your father, not like me. So I named you Evelina, which means "light", to predestine your fate.

  - Well, you didn't do a very good job, I said, looking at the ground.

  -Not true! You may have my powers, but you have your father's soul. I haven't always been like this. I was a princess of hell, I was very cruel and cold, but the love for you and your father changed me completely. Maybe now you are going through terrible times, everyone goes through it, but after that you will also have immense joys.
  How was that saying of the people? "To get to the light you must first go through the darkness". To get where you want you have to fight and endure a lot.

  -And when my happiness depends on another person? I asked her, with tears in my eyes. When there is simply nothing left to do, what can I do?

  -As long as we are on Earth, we also have something from the human soul, and we cannot change this. Unfortunately, our happiness will always depend on someone else.

  -You said that you and my father were soul mates. That means you understand me, you know how I feel. How did you get over the breakup with him?

  -I never got over it, she said, with a heavy sigh. Even to this day I miss him and think about him.

  -Hey, maybe we can ask Karina to prepare that potion for you too?

  -If I wanted to, I could have done it by now, but I don't want to cause him any more problems. I love him so much that I let him be happy and safe. But it's different with you. Caleb is right here under the same roof as you, you can do your best to win him back.

  -I don’t know. Maybe he really likes this girl, I don't want to break his happiness.

  -Not true. He knows deep down that you are the chosen one, but he doesn't realize it. That's why you have to help him remember the past.

  While we were talking, we heard a loud explosion and panicked. I hurried downstairs, and Melina was shocked. When I looked into the great hall I was equally shocked.

  Looks like we finally found out the answer to our big question. Lucifer himself had come to our building, only he was alone.

  Melina immediately knelt down and lowered her head, exclaiming "dad!". Lucifer let out a scream of pain when he saw her, and she immediately began to cry.

  -How could you do this to me? he shouted. My own daughter, how could you betray me? Get off your hideous human face, that's not what my girl looks like!

  Still on her knees, Melina completely changed. She looked like when I was transforming, but a little different. She had larger horns, a third eye on her forehead, very sharp teeth, and a long thin tail on her back.

  Did I have a tail when I transformed? I never asked myself that, and if I had, I didn't even notice.

  Lucifer was still yelling at her, even after she transformed:

  -Wh-what was in your head? Have you messed with one of our enemies? What did you do that for?

  - I never did that, she said.

  She had started telling all kinds of lies, which I believed to be true.

  -I have not engaged with any of our enemies.

  -Why are you lying? Is this not your child? Doesn't she have your blood?

  - She has my blood, but she is not my child, she said, keeping her head in the ground. I gave her my blood to protect her. There is a prophecy about the destruction of the human world. She is the girl who will do this and I wanted to protect her in order to carry out her plan. I also tried to lure one of the angels to our side with my charm.

  Hearing all these things, I put my hands over my mouth and started crying uncontrollably.

  -And what happened to him? Lucifer asked.

  -Unfortunately I didn't succeed. His comrades managed to save him from my spell.

  It seemed that Lucifer believed her, because he didn't ask her any more questions. Melina, however, added more lies:

  -Your so-called loyal demons don't want me as a princess and wanted you to disinherit me, that's why they told you all kinds of lies.

  - We will clear this up soon. Are you ready to return to your kingdom? Your sister can't handle two kingdoms, she needs you.

  -Yes, father! she exclaimed, then they both disappeared.

  At that moment I didn't know what to believe. She told me some things, and the moment Lucifer showed up she said the exact opposite.

  The next few days I thought about it a lot. On the other hand there were advantages, whether she was lying or not because both I and the others in this building were protected.

  Still, the fact that she brought Caleb back was pretty good proof that she was on my side and wasn't lying to me.

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